
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Tofino Housing Spending Story



  1. Just a simple question for our Mayor and council and former mayor, just how do you rationalize this organization's spending and generating no housing.
    If we'd spent the same money and had a local builder build it, we'd have had a duplex at least by now.

  2. Actually about four duplex bldgs all paying rents back to the town so you could go out an build more. So simple isn't it.

  3. Don't forget about the Monk's Point house, owned by the district, being rented to staff at an unbelievable discount rate.

  4. THC is. The worst decision DOT has ever made my any critical analysis. Consulting fee’s run wild in what will actually be a market price development. Scam by NGO is a regular theme these days. The most expensive virtue signaling ever done in this town.
    It will be an albatross compared to the great water fiasco of a few years ago that none will admit actually happened. Please remember the Ndp was and is eyeball deep in these two massive fiscal blunders as is Dot CFO.
