
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Victoria Sewage Treatment Story 

Tofino continues to dump raw sewage into the harbour. 


  1. It’s an important milestone given that not too long ago people were threatening a tourism boycott of Victoria as long as it kept dumping its sewage into the strait.

  2. We have cobblestone sidewalks and crosswalks with fish.

  3. That is what you get when you have a mayor and council with no clue how to spend money wisely and staff that seem to come up with pet projects. This town is the perfect example of putting lipstick on a pig in a pig pen. There's still shit everywhere.

  4. Victoria spent years wrangling and baulking at the cost of this sewer project. Twisting senior governments over the barrel to pony up more money. They knew when to hold'em and knew when to fold'em. In the end their, costs per population ends up at about 1/10th of that projected for Tofino and it's sewer build. The level of senior government support to population about 10 times what Tofino was due to get. Tofino has been ready to flop over like a we was gut shot to keep the Feds and the Prov happy. Councils have been desperate to do the right thing for the image of the town. So what if we go broke. Maybe we need to hire a different cowboy for the job. Someone who knows how to ride and rope. Some one who can get a doggie into it's stall, and plays a little poker on the side.

  5. to 9:11 Ain't gonna happen partner, Whole council acts like they bin snake bit. Their eyes just glaze over. Sun is going down before they's even got their boots on
