
Saturday, September 19, 2020

Tofino Planner addresses concerns about Ecolodge property buildings 


  1. Unless otherwise specified in legislation, amendment and repeal bylaws are subject to the same approval and other requirements as the power to adopt a new bylaw under that authority. For example, if a municipal council or regional district board wanted to amend a zoning bylaw it would need to hold a public hearing after second reading of the amendment or repeal bylaw before it could adopt the amendment bylaw.

  2. Anybody else would have to rezone and subdivide to be allowed to do this. A text amendment is bullshit.Proper roads, sidewalks , park dedication etc should be required. There is currently a bylaw prohibiting tourist accommodation at the student dormitory . I can assume that any new bylaws or housing agreements will be followed as closely.Aside from Dan Law this council has drank the Mayor’s Koolaid. An independent planner should have been brought in as he is obviously concerned for his job .

  3. The District of Tofino has a long history of getting rid of employees that go against the Mayor’s wishes . Often with large severance packages as no cause for dismissal .

  4. A simple question.
    If it was anyone other than the mayor and husband bringing this forward would it have even gotten this far as to be considered?
    I think not.

  5. How could we get the provincial government to buy, or expropriate, the property and then change the zoning to make it the future site of the new Tofino General Hospital? If there's going to be change, why not make it change for the benefit of all?

  6. Should we feel sorry for the Planner. It must be hard to continually come up with such weasel words and analysis. Illegal buildings, Illegal uses, a history of prevarication and BS. Let's just call a spade a spade.

    Most ridiculous conflict of interest in Tofino history. Goes back to the council with Shaw, Strudwick, Andersen, Webb, Tilitzky. etc. In open Council meeting it was expressed "they have the Legion we will have the Gardens". The issue was tax exempt status for Tofino Botanical Gardens. This is what you get from a then "Wok" council. The council was conned with their own political enthusiasm, by a master. You can "sell snow cones to Eskimos" if you have enough American style gall and take advantage of their own weaknesses, leanings and inclinations. And it just keeps on going.

    I reference Council Meeting Sept 12, 2005, Resolution 392-05.RE tax except status for Tofino Botanical Gardens. Motion carried, Al Andersen Mayor. Subsequently revoked by another council. But the BS just keeps on going. Speaking of "Wok", you have to wonder if the former Mayor is still asleep.

  7. a new hospital site needs to be above the tsunami zone. botanical gardens isnt.

  8. Great idea 8:52 except it is in the Tsunami zone. The last place a hospital should be built or for that matter anything else.
