
Friday, March 27, 2020

District Reviewing 2020 Budget In Light of COVID-19 Pandemic

District Reviewing 2020 Budget In Light of COVID-19 Pandemic

No matter who you are in Tofino, we understand that COVID-19 is having a real impact on your life.
Faced with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, District of Tofino Council and staff will be reviewing our draft 2020-2024 Financial Plan in recognition of these extraordinary times.  Things have changed significantly since our last budget open house on February 18th, and the District will be reconsidering our draft financial plans over the coming weeks. The Financial Plan and Tax Rates Bylaws are currently required to be adopted by May 15, 2020.

To support our community in the quickly evolving COVID-19 situation, the District is extending the payment due date for Quarter 1 2020  utility bills. 

Many of you have asked about the payment of upcoming utility bills. Utility bills will be distributed the week of April 20th, and the District will be extending the payment due date from 30 days to 90 days.  Late payment penalties will be added to utility accounts after the 90 days has passed.

What about property taxes? 

We understand that many property owners have questions about the potential deferral or reduction of property taxes.

Property tax collection and due dates are mandated by Provincial legislation, meaning that individual local governments cannot alter them. Tofino’s Mayor and Council, along with almost every other municipality in BC, have been asking the Province for further information on property tax deferrals or other tools that will help British Columbians. We have been assured that the Minister of Finance and her staff are actively discussing this topic, although no timeline for updates has yet been provided. 

For the business sector, the Provincial Government has created a webpage for Provincial Tax Changes that have been announced to date, including a reduction of school taxes for Property Classes 4, 5, and 6.

Recreation Facility Grant Denial 

The District’s current Financial Plan includes the development of an Indoor Recreation Facility, dependent on substantial funding (73.33%) from the provincial Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP), with the balance to be funded by taxation (borrowing). 

Unfortunately, the District has recently been informed that the application to the ICIP was not successful.

During the December and February budget open houses, we asked the community to share your thoughts about how the District should proceed should the grant application be unsuccessful. In light of the recent denial, District of Tofino Council and staff will reconsider how this project fits into the District’s Financial Plan during our upcoming budget meetings, and discuss the best ways to provide recreation opportunities for residents.

Stay Tuned for More Information About the District Budget Review

In the coming weeks, Council will be discussing significant changes to 2020 operations and projects to be responsive to the COVID-19 pandemic, remain resilient, and prioritize essential services and projects. These changes will impact the budget and property taxation, and we remain committed to communicating regularly with the community about any communication from the Province, changes to the District budget, or impacts to District services.  Follow budget updates at or by clicking below:  
Our website will be updated daily by 11:00 a.m. with any new measures or information related to the COVID-19 pandemic that becomes available at
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  1. Good to hear about the denial of the recreation facility grant. Great news!! Now maybe that foolishness can be put to bed, along with the plans to increase Tofino's debt burden and yet another property tax increase.

  2. Good news, Tofino will be reviewing it's 2020 budget.

    Provincial Gov't has already initiated changes to ease the burden of tourist sector commercial tax rates. Great for them.

    But hey. Prov gov't. Look over here. Ya! I am over here. Ya that little guy in the corner. What you going to do to ease my tax burden. I am a residential taxpayer and my income has vaporized. No job, no money. What you going to do for me?

  3. On another note...Maybe time to close crab apple rental lot. There are plenty of rentals open now.

  4. There's an elephant in the room. Because of the failure of provincial income at this time there will be little in the way of a chance of additional assistance for the sewage treatment plant. Any cost over runs may be completely on our tax bills.
    This may tilt the whole thing into a P3 project where you pay based on your usage. Our sewage treatment bills may be higher as a result but the big users would be properly paying their portion instead of at some discounted bulk rate they'd prefer and could possibly weasel out of council and staff.

  5. Yes, we need a sewage treatment facility. Yes, everyone realizes that it's going to be a difficult and costly project. Yes, it would be great o see it built and into operation as soon as possible. Yes, there are federal and provincial rules and deadlines that need to be taken into account. BUT!! There's been a global pandemic tossed into the equation! No one knew, or ever could have predicted, that this health care crisis would arise. This crisis affects all facets of our society... governments, labor markets, parts supplies, contractors, everything!
    This is not the time to be undertaking a massive public construction project. First, shouldn't be waiting and watching to see where this pandemic is taking us, learning what effects it's going to have on all parts of community, and then proceeding in a manner that takes into account the changes that the pandemic brings to the community. I'm not suggesting that the project not be completed, I'm suggesting that it not be started. Not now, not until we know more about our situation.

  6. the stupid part of this sewage plant deal is that it could have been built years ago with a ppp approach.
    reputable island contractor who already built 2 down island was ready willing and able to do it.........but no.
    the district wouldn't have control of the utility rates...and we do now?
    i would rather have had properly treated sewage exiting the outfalls than the bullshit we have now...regardless of the rates

  7. Quick math will tell you that it costs about $9,000.00 per day to pay the District staff wages and salaries.
    Today, there are a few guys keeping the water flowing..... thanks to them for doing an important job.
    The fire chief is on standby. Good idea.
    The District office is closed. No one else is working.
    Where's the rest of the $9,000.00 going? For what? To who? Why?
    .....tomorrow, another $9,000.00.

  8. District staff are operating an emergency operations centre and the office is closed to the public but still functioning. Do your research before being facetious.

  9. Tofino has NOT declared a local state of emergency. Why is there an "operations center"?
    "still functioning".... in what manner? accomplishing what?
    .....facetious? Not in any manner, I'm deadly serious.
    Today, another $9,000.00.
    For what?

  10. Today, another $9,000.00

  11. Tofino is "operating an emergency operations centre" "the office is closed to the public but still functioning" Excellent excellent. We are operating an operation. We can still function without the public. Excellent excellent. In this time of difficulty, one must maintain traditions.

    Note, a consultant has been hired to help staff determine what costs can be saved while we are social distancing and washing our hands. A report from staff tabled at the last cancelled meeting is reported to indicate, "they are working their asses off". The report could not be made public because it involved staffing matters. The consultant is asking for an extension to their contract to allow them to wait in town till a meeting is allowed where the information can be made public and discussed. The "operations officer" has strictly forbidden any meetings,. "Merely talking to you as I am is strictly forbidden" Consultant is said to be self quarantining in rooms above the liquor store, previously determined to be an essential service.
    A "liaison officer" is reporting minute by minute with local health authorities at Tofino General Hospital. ("Got any Covid patients today"..... I can't divulge that information because of privacy concerns" ..... "Ya got it, well keep us posted"

    News release, Tofino operations centre upgrades Federal and Provincial requirements. Tofino now requires wringing of hands as well as washing of hands followed by self immolation as well as self quarantining. No one could be reached to confirm or deny that such announcements were made. A small puff of smoke was seen drifting over third street.

    Meanwhile Stephen Leacock, raised up from the grave, Lazarus like, mounted his horse and rode madly off in all directions.

  12. Today, another $9,000.00

  13. Other areas are laying of civic workers.

  14. Josie Osborne said on Facebook: "People have already lost their jobs at the District or have been cut back. We just haven’t gone to the media about it. It’s no laughing matter for anyone, in or out of the District office. We still need many of the staff members to deliver core services and ensure as much of the local economy can survive, then recover."

    This is a lovely bit of 'non-information". How many lay-offs? What positions? How much reduction in wages and salaries? Explain "cut back". "Core services": OK, that's sewer and water, maybe the fire dept. How many others are still sitting on the computer talking about things?

    Are the taxpayers not entitled to the answers as to where their tax dollars are going?
    I say that "we just haven't gone to the media about it" because we've actually done very little about it.
    As usual, staff is calling the shots and mayor and council are merely rubber stamping staff's policies.

  15. Today, another $9,000.00. (minus an undisclosed amount that has been "cut back").
    Don't overlook the fact that this is going to go on for months, not just a couple weeks. Every month, the cost to the taxpayers, for wages and salaries, is over a quarter of a million dollars.

  16. One thing we know for sure. Josie only tells you what she wants you to know. Sure would be nice for Council to operate as a Council. If it had been a grant she had secured to build a "Mac cra me" bridge to Meares Island, the trumpets would have been blaring, and Tuff Radio would have interviewed her a dozen times on the matter.

  17. The Children's Center was closed March 18th and all the staff were laid off.

  18. 2:12PM... No doubt. They wouldn't dare to put people's children at risk. Even CUPE doesn't have that much gall.

  19. Another day...another $9,000.00

  20. It does seem strange that the Mayor uses FB to keep us all informed about the good but never the bad. It shows a lack of leadership.

    Doug Ford could give the Mayor a lesson on transparency.

    Josie is a great person but she is showing, like Mr.Trump, that she doesn't quite have what it takes to be a "tough times" leader.

    It isn't easy, you have to be willing to make hard descisions, ones that people are going to pay attention to and be critical of as it concerns their financial future.

  21. It does seem strange that the Mayor uses FB to keep us all informed about the good but never the bad. It shows a lack of leadership.

    Doug Ford could give the Mayor a lesson on transparency.

    Josie is a great person but she is showing, like Mr.Trump, that she doesn't quite have what it takes to be a "tough times" leader.

    It isn't easy, you have to be willing to make hard descisions, ones that people are going to pay attention to and be critical of as it concerns their financial future.

  22. Tofino council's historic tendencies to over spend should now make it easier to cut some fat. Unfortunately, you have to realize the need, to be able to execute. They may have a blind spot. Responsibility to the people who pay the shot has not been very important. Virtually everything else has taken a higher priority over the last few years. I am not sure they are up to the job.

  23. 6:40 PM. Agree. Worse yet.... is their tradition of making sure to spend every cent that they have, never leaving a positive bank balance or anything stashed away for a "rainy day". If district income this year is expected to be $14 million, then that means that we'll need a district budget that spends $14 million.
    Would you do this with your own personal bank account? Spend every cent that you made? Or would you put some into savings, knowing that it would be foolish to blow every penny you got your hands on?
    Worse yet..... Then they're going to run up their credit card to build a sewage facility, and they were planning to max out their credit card to build a gymnasium, because they failed to put a bit away into savings, over the years, toward these type of expenses.
    Worse yet.... Now they're going to get smashed in the face by a global pandemic that's going to decimate the local economy, and they don't have one red cent in reserve to help them (and the taxpayers) find a way to get through it. And they can't raise taxes this time, the people are unemployed and broke and the businesses are closed.
    Worse yet..... Staff is still calling the shots. On April 14-15 staff will be presenting to council their "plan" to get out of this mess. "Staff" and their "plans" is who got us all into this mess in the first place.
    It's time for the people we elected to lead us to step up and lead. There are some tough choices to be made, some painful actions to be taken, some history to be made. Are our mayor and council up to the job?

  24. ....and today is Palm Sunday. Like every other day, another $9,000.00 gone.

  25. There's going to be a special meeting of council on the 13th-14th to discuss staff's proposals to re-write the 2020 budget. That's a week from now, $63,000.00 later.
    Meanwhile, today is costing the taxpayers another $9,000.00.

  26. It's like Nero fiddling while Rome burned....
    Today, another $9,000.00.

  27. OMG!! Are you getting sick of hearing about this? I certainly am.
    Today, D.O.T. wages and salaries are costing the taxpayers of Tofino yet another $9,000.00.

  28. I wonder what the "Emergency Operations Center" will be doing today to justify the cost of...
    ..... another $9,000.00 in wages and salaries, to the taxpayers of Tofino?

  29. if its not fake news the mayor has declared tofino is open as usual for the long weekend the emergency operations centre must be planning......thinking......

  30. I've discovered a few of the "essential services" that the "Emergency Operations Center" might be working on:

    While we all find ourselves in uncharted waters currently, from an arts and culture perspective, many artists, event producers and not-for-profit societies are needing to re-examine their systems and either adapt or change course drastically. And even when the world feels like it’s flipped upside down,#culturedoesntstop. From virtual tours, to live streamed events, to our very own Sophie L’Homme and Tuff City Radio inspiring people to get creative through song; we are observing that there is more to this time than newscasts and daily update.

    Please know that I am here to help brainstorm and support you during this time. I am constantly gathering resources and monitoring funding announcements that are specific to the creative sector. Many of the resources listed below apply to a variety of sectors. I would encourage you to have a peak through each one on a regular basis to stay up to date. The first link is collecting data for all creative sectors to assist with future funding and recovery. Please fill it out if you have a second.
    • COVID-19 Impact Survey – Created by the Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Alliance, this survey is for all arts disciplines, artists, arts workers, cultural organizations, and museums across BC.
    • Have a new online program, live-streamed event or activity? You can post it to Online platforms provide a whole new audience.
    • Arts BC - Arts BC Media page is updated daily and offers resources relating to the creative sector. Every Tuesday, Arts BC offers a Province-wide Round-table Community Arts Call at noon via zoom.Sign up to receive Arts BC emails to find out the latest topics and to access the zoom meeting invites. Arts BC also has an Arts Hotline that you can access if you are looking to trouble-shoot a problem or are seeking advice related to the arts and creative sectors.
    • BC Alliance for Arts + Culture – Resource for the creative sectors including a list of funding sources for the creative sectors that might be applicable during COVID-19.
    • BC Arts Council – Resources and information specific to funding for artists and arts organizations in BC. New updates were announced by the Province recently that may affect organizations that receive operating funding. Please contact them to find out more.
    • Canadian Heritage – Funding related updates as they relate to Canadian Heritage as well as a link to federal announcements related to COVID-19 can be found through this link.
    • CreativeBC – Primarily focuses on the Motion Picture, Interactive + Digital Media, Music, Book and Magazine Publishing sectors.
    • Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture – Includes an updated list of COVID-19 Supports for Businesses in BC and updates from the Ministry specific to Tourism, Arts and Culture. This ministry is responsible for Sport too.
    • Read the March 27, 2020 media release from Minister Beare regarding the latest support announcement for the arts sector.
    • And April, 1, 2020 media release from Minister Beare regarding the latest support announcement for the sports sector.
    • BC Centre for Disease Control & BC Government New updates for the latest health information on COVID-19 and Provincial announcements.
    Examples of people/organizations doing thing a little differently:
    • The West Coast Screech – Singing contest hosted by Tofino’s very own Sophie L’Homme and Tuff City Radio
    • Arts Whistler has gone digital during this time and has many local, national and international options to stay creative and get inspired.
    • Tofino Poet Laureate is celebrating National Poetry Month and posting daily. Follow Joanna on facebook and twitter to keep poetry in your life!
    • The Annual Artsplash by Pacific Rim Arts Society may be postponed, but you can connect with some of their participating artists online via the event facebook page.

  31. Good Friday. Another $9,000.00

  32. I am proposing a re-education summer camp in conjunction with the DOT, to be entirely online. We will have dozens of young adults manning the mouse to send out appropriate messages, to effect long term change in the thinking of misdirected Canadians. We must change our hateful racist outlook to one of peace and acceptance.

    The CPP is trying to save the world one mind at a time. The government must take control of the culture. Thought is culture. Culture is art. Art is constructive propaganda for the good of the whole society

    Can I have my grant now.

  33. Whilel everyone is busy dreaming up new ideas and applications and processes meanwhile major food chains may be interrupted by this virus business.
    If there was ever a need for priorities now is the time to build gardens, raise chickens, learn to fish if you don't know how already, and start thinking about being a little bit more Self sufficient. get real

  34. Beautiful long weekend Saturday. I've decided to get together with the rest of Tofino's taxpayers, today, and throw away another $9,000.00 on wages and salaries for things that aren't even being done...... well, someone sorta decided for me...

  35. those grants are going to the person with a virtual grocery store. who will be selling virtual fruit, vegetables, and other virtual edibles.

  36. No one is working today. It's Easter Sunday. Everything is also closed up due to the pandemic. D.O.T. wages and salaries, today, will cost the taxpayers of Tofino..... yet another $9,000.00

  37. I'd like to make something clear, if I may. Included in that $9,000.00 is the guy who tests our water every day, and inspects the system to make sure that the taps keep flowing and the water is safe to use. Also, he's on standby in case anything in the wastewater system breaks down and he needs to spend his holiday working in sewage, instead of with his family. This guy, this is my idea of "essential", and I thank him for his service to our community. His part of the $9K is well earned. He deserves every penny, and we all owe him a thank you.

  38. 11:12 That was good. That sounds like essential service.
    But I notice there are 22 pe0ple on the district web site contact page, excluding the daycare. Also that does not include the rank and file either, who don't get an email contact given out. Most of those listed positions are what you could generously refer to as pencil pushers. I am sure the district employees are all decent folks, just like the rest of us. Maybe you could identify the hardship and suffering being endured by all these other employees.

    Consider the town is empty. The economy hss stsyed home.

    I don't view any District employees as heroic or otherwise. I assume they are doing their jobs. I do ask if they are all necessary right now. Right now, I consider them lucky to have good paying, full time jobs, with generous benefits and pensions. I am sure your "guy gets adequate compensation.
    Currently, many people in Tofino have none of that. Many people, are currently without customers or a paycheque, but, they will continue to pay your "guy" and all the others, even though they have little themselves. Is that worthy of recognition and respect? In my opinion, yes. Maybe you could give a shout out to the people who pay the bills. We call them taxpayers.

    It's all a matter of perspective. I could suggest yours is privileged.

  39. Today, another $9,000.00. Maybe. Does anyone actually know? The policies of secrecy and complicated accounting practices surrounding the goings on within the district office make it difficult, almost impossible, for the average citizen to actually know what's going on with how his tax dollar is being managed.

  40. Another $9,000.00 today.... And this is the day of the much anticipated council meeting to discuss the effects of the pandemic upon the municipal budget. How much in budget cuts? Any lay-offs? Any projects cancelled or delayed? Any programs slashed? Details of spending cuts? Tomorrow, will that number still be $9,000.00?

  41. We don't know the results of yesterday's council meeting, so no one has any idea of today's cost to the taxpayer of D.O.T. wages and salaries. I'll assume that they all get plenty of notice of any lay-off, so today's number is still probably close to $9,000.00. This, from a tax base that is largely closed for business and unemployed.

  42. DOT announces raises for all salaried staff as danger pay compensation while isolating in the office. Numerous stubbed toes have been reported in the now overcrowded office environment

  43. ......"we remain committed to communicating regularly with the community about any communication from the Province, changes to the District budget, or impacts to District services. Follow budget updates at "(that's what they said) :....... an earlier comment mentioned the policies of secrecy surrounding the goings on in the D.O.T. office. Looks like that's no going to change any time soon. What is the "emergency operations center" up to today? Who is employed there? How much does this cost the taxpayers? What was decided at Tuesday's secret council meeting? Any news about finances, spending or taxation?

  44. They are "committed to communicating.....about any communications"??? You can't make this shit up.

  45. RE;8:19 "We remain committed" In other words, we are doing nothing, but doing it with gusto. It's the committed attitude that is to reassure you that doing nothing is good stuff. Keep on keeping on, FORTE.

  46. OK. The minutes of the Tuesday meeting have been released. Everything is now covered, there's a viable plan in place. No mention of any cost cutting or spending reductions. Instead, we're going to borrow five million dollars so we can continue to pay staff wages and salaries just like nothing is different in Tofino at all. Actually, we're going to create some new work for Mr. Rodgers in planning, to develop a COVID19 response plan. Maybe some other agencies will pony up some funds to help pay for it, but if not we'll let council know "later". Nothing changes, except that the taxpayers of Tofino are going to be another five million bucks in debt, at least, so far.
    And today, another $9,000.00 in wages and salaries.
    Communicating about communications ain't cheap.

  47. Another $9,000.00 in wages and salaries down the drain today. Start saving up to pay off the five million dollar loan that DOT is taking out to pay for it. Five million that will eventually fall onto the backs of the local taxpayers.

  48. To 8:54 It is quite clear you can "make this shit up", and they do, all the time. When is the Tofino electorate going to wake up. Government in Tofino is little more than a spin machine. A vehicle for the self interest of petty gov't officials and their stooges in council.

  49. So if you lose your job/business and can't pay your taxes, you get a penalty, more $$$ and then it goes on your taxes, and if you can't pay again, repeat. After a couple of years the Municipality can legally call for the sale if your property to claim their due(doo doo) Usually before this happens folks sell out, to cover their taxes plus penalties and salvage what value they can. At this point some well funded municipal employee comes along and buys up your old place on the cheap. Why?? Well, because he can. He,ll use your taxes through his salary to move onto your old place. Cool how that works, eh!

  50. 9:03 AM..... You are so fu**ing exactly correct that it's sickening. How in hell did our local governmental system degenerate into what we're seeing today? Smith trained Rogers and then they added Bob, and then they put a left wing liberal biologist at the head of it all. It somehow continued to grow tentacles, one at a time..... and what you see today is the result.
    The really sad part is that it's now so firmly entrenched that it can probably never be reversed. We could elect a new mayor and six new councilors, and the new elected officials would bankrupt the village trying to eliminate or control this established bureaucracy.
    It's hopeless. Prepare your exit strategy. You'll never build a life or a retirement or a future for your family here in Tofino. This bunch of leeches and parasites will continue to milk you until you have nothing left for them to take. Cash in and get out.
