
Friday, June 14, 2019

Council Highlights



June 11, 2019

"Council Highlights" provide a summary of key decisions made by Council during regularly scheduled meetings.

Click the link below to see full agenda packages, minutes and video recordings.
Agenda Items
  • Delegation from Adam Coates, Chief Commercial Officer, Prairie Records: The delegate presented details of a cannabis retail temporary use permit application for 150 Fourth Street.  
  • Council resolved to support the resolution from Victoria City Council to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities to restore Provincial support for libraries.
  • The 2018 Statement of Financial Information for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018 was approved by Council.
  • Strategic Procurement - Wastewater Treatment Plant: Council authorized staff to incorporate principles from the recommendations in the Strategic Procurement report, including employment and social benefit targets, in the procurement documents for the wastewater treatment plant and conveyance system.
  • Tofino Harvest Company TUP:Council authorized staff to issue a temporary use permit for a cannabis production operation at 700 Industrial Way (Tofino Harvest Company) subject to the receipt of a satisfactory waste management plan. 
  • Cannabis Retail TUPs:  Staff were authorized to notify the public that Council proposes to issue a Temporary Use Permit to Daylight Cannabis Company (671-1 Industrial Way) and West Coast Cannabis Store (Units F&G, 1182 Pacific Rim Highway) for the purposes of operating a temporary retail cannabis operation.  Council denied the temporary use permit applications for Prairie Records (150 Fourth Street) and Tuff Leaf (561 Campbell Street).   
  • District of Tofino Building Bylaw No. 1256, 2019 was adopted. This Bylaw reflects changes that were made to the British Columbia Building Act, and will enable the District to enforce provincial building requirements, including the BC Building Code.  
Click Here for Council Minutes, Agendas and Videos
Other District News
The District is launching the 20% Challenge! The 20% Challenge encourages efficiency in water usage, and recognizes that the responsibility for conservation is shared by businesses, residents, visitors and the Distirct. 

By taking the Challenge, businesses, residents, visitors and the District are encouraged to share their tips on social media using the hashtag #TofinoH20 and follow along the Districts website at to track the community's progress.

Help us reduce our water consumption by 20% over last year!


District of Tofino Municipal Office
(T) 250-725-3229
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  1. I think it would be nice to see the district and council adopt the 20% challenge to be 20% more efficient at using our tax dollars properly and not overspending and dropping staff and wages by 20% . Thats a 20% challenge .

  2. I'd settle for 8-2 -2

  3. To 8:39 I have to agree, but let's be realistic. When you are that overweight you have to start slowly, one lb. at a time. If you are not careful, you will only induce binge eating and we have seen too much of that already.

  4. Here's my 20% challenge to mayor, council, and staff, and lets include our M.P. Gord Johns and our M.L.A. Scott Fraser in the challenge too: We challenge you to lobby the two senior levels of government for additional funding of 20% of the 60M cost of the sewage treatment facility, to represent the portion of the facility that will be used by the tourism sector. That's an additional contribution of $12,000,000, 7M federal and 5M provincial. In addition, we challenge Parks Canada to contribute 3 million, and challenge First Nations to add an additional 1 million, as their fair share of the cost of the facility.
    Tourism Tofino should be good for a few additional dollars as well....... We could paint some fish or polka dots on the building, add some bollards and bike racks.

  5. I will accept the 20% challenge when the district meters and bills for all the water at the beach washrooms and showers.
