
Sunday, March 31, 2019

First Nations Tax Story


  1. Don’t quite a few tax dollars already go to First Nations ?


  3. Money for nothing and your chicks for free

  4. This should be an interesting thread...
    So far all the comments have been in a public setting. Curious to see how people really feel with the option to post anonymously.

  5. I agree with the first comments: "Don't we pay quite a few tax dollars already to the First Nations." Yes in fact it is in the tens of billions. annually. It is going to be interesting to hear how people really feel, when the comments are anonymous. People do not need to be politically correct. Political correctness is destroying this country.

    So here is my take.

    I like the fact that this proposal states that it is an opportunity" to lead Canada in a step towards reconciliation." Why is it the reconciliation is always code for us latecomers for forking over more money and land. Saya Masso states that " it is a tool that is going to change Canada" really!

    If First Nations want to profit from tourism, then build their attractions or accommodations. and take the risk, like the rest of us. They have already done this with two resorts in the area. It should be noted that they, unlike the rest of us ,pay no municipal taxes.

    I am totally opposed to this proposal and will not be participating in any fashion. I am not prepared to pay another tax on property that I own. This is a non starter.

    This may be a tool that is going to change Canada, but it is not going to start in Tofino, what nonsense!

    Continually handing out more and more money to First Nations, is not helping them. Nothing is going to change until they stop expecting hand outs, and start working for their future, like the rest of us.

    Private business in Tofino, contribute huge amounts of money to the community, including the hospital and schools. These donations benefit the whole community, especially the First Nations.

  6. I'm confused.
    Treating people differently, because of the color of their skin or who their ancestors were, is considered to be "racism".
    Treating people differently, because of the color of their skin or who their ancestors were, is considered to be "reconciliation".
    How can both be true?
    I thought that I live in a country where the rights and freedoms of ALL men are considered to be equal.
    I don't understand it, and like many others, I don't like it.
    I'm no more special than that other guy.
    But he's not any more special than me.
    We should all be required to play by the same rules, in the same sandbox.

  7. The Indian Act (An Act respecting Indians, French: Loi sur les Indiens) is a Canadian act of Parliament that concerns registered Indians, their bands, and the system of Indian reserves. First passed in 1876 and still in force with amendments, it is the primary document which defines how the Government of Canada interacts with the 614 First Nation bands in Canada and their members. Throughout its long history the Act has been an ongoing subject of controversy and has been interpreted in different ways by both Aboriginal Canadians and non-Aboriginal Canadians. The legislation has been amended many times, including "over twenty major changes" made by 2002.
    The rules in the sandbox are dictated by this act and the Supreme Court of Canada.

  8. 9.29 This is true, however the act does not speak to what is now being proposed by our local native bands, not even close.


  9. Reconciliation seems very much to be a one way street. Not what I first imagined or was told. Maybe we need to reconcile to the future and not the past. I don't feel like I stole anything from anyone. I worked my whole life. It wasn't easy but I am proud of my accomplishments.
    It is clear first nations live at a lower standard of living than the average.

    The solution to this problem is economic development not more hand outs. This proposal is just more welfare payments and would perpetuate every existing problem.
    There are plenty of opportunities. I agree with the comment above, Take your own risk, start your own business. Join the twenty first century. Canada is a fantastic place and most everyone is eager for your success. Who gives a shit about the Indian act. It is all up to you, You have intelligence and will. There really are no restrictions. Then you can tax yourselves and do what is right with the money.

  10. The Indian Act does not describe the rights Native people have as individuals, as Canadians. It fundamentally deals with native "rights" when they act collectively. as tribes, bands etc or pursue their "native" rights. That is all in addition to the rights we all share as Canadians. They can do, as individuals, whatever they want in the country. Buy land, go into business, freedom of movement, enter into contracts etc. on and on, I say get on with it.

    Trudeau senior reportedly struggled when dealing with those important Constitutional questions about whether "Native " rights should be collective or individual. The little socialist decided to support collective rights. I think he got it wrong. This divide in the country seems only to get worse. Some won't be happy till we have no country all.
    Then a different question arises.....Who will pay then.

  11. I'm happy to pay this tax just as long as I can stop paying all my other taxes which already support the First Nations. Sorry, I have to get back to work now. No time for chit chat.

  12. Taxation without representation? Sound familiar? Race based laws are unconstitutional yet this is somehow ok? I have no guilt over my actions so why are we continually paying for someone else's transgressions. Not a chance would this be justifiable in a logical legal venue.

  13. ...... meanwhile.....Justin sorry. Deeply filled with regret, and very very sorry.
