
Sunday, September 9, 2018

War on Parking Continues

Tofino continues its war on parking. The result of the ongoing assault was seen clearly this summer as tourists and local residents alike circled blocks looking for parking. At one time this summer I witnessed traffic backed up to Olsen Rd. There has been no reduction in offshore parking. If you are squatting somewhere in Clayoquot Sound the District of Tofino will give you a free parking pass and provide you with ample parking in choice downtown spots. If you are a resident of Tofino or working here you are treated like a climate changing pariah.
  The solution ? Work with all user groups and build a parkade. We can't all ride the bus or use a bicycle. Tofino has spent millions encouraging people to come here but has failed to plan for the results of success. Even Teslas need somewhere to park.


  1. Need help deciding who Not to vote for ?
    If you have 10 minutes... watch Mayor, Council & Staff discuss the Letter of a resident with parking problems on Gibson st. (Bike Lane)

  2. I can understand the communities off shore being allowed parking for free but the squatters in old boats etc. Should pay to park.

  3. Watched the youtube vid. Thanks

    The bylaw requires a certain # of parking spaces. They admit that the development complies. They fail to discuss that folks are packed in, many people sharing accommodfation that was intended for 1or 2. They have no choice. Apparently only the rich should have bought in. One person, one car. one unit. How entitled is that.

    What is Cathy Thicke on about. A parked car posses little threat to a pedestrian or cyclist.
    I have studied the amount of use of Gibson street by cyclists. Over the course of the day and the year. It averages 2 per hour. Of course during rush hours and tourist season it may peak at five or six, while between the hours of midnight and 6 am it averages point 2.......Why did they require the right of way constructed if they don,t want cars...... maybe it was better for all concerned as it was previously.

    Unfortunately I watched way too much of the rest of the meeting.....They don't understand their own decisions, they need more reports to inform them of what they have done and the future implications of what they may be doing.. The whole proceeding left me depressed. They go round sand round in the most stilted bureaucratic fashion trying to demonstrate their concern. While nothing really happens.

    Reminds me of an old CodCo skit. One Politian says vote for me, I am concerned. The next says vote for me, as I am very concerned. A third says vote for me. I am very very comcerned. First one, after getting elected says the level of concern is alarming, and they are extremely concerned. and on and on.

  4. Re 9:08PM...... Making them pay won't fix anything, the District would only squander the money, and there still wouldn't be anywhere to park.

  5. try living on Gibson St. we used to have parking for friends or guests until the Shelter took over the street, so really its just Shelter that loses it parking spaces. Big Deal,,so the drunks leaving Shelter every night can no longer scream and yell and piss in front of our house. They will have to stick to the other side of the street for that now. As a resident we lost our parking a long time ago so its awesome to see it go the bikers...the kids are safer and there are more of them using it now.

  6. Never in the history of "peoplekind" has it been more appropriate to compare Tofino's so-called "parking strategy' to the infamous "shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic" analogy.

    It's too late. She's going down for Christ sake's. Abandon ship. Every person for themselves.

  7. Tofino should study Cannon Beach Or a town with actual plans and parking and a large tourist population in the summer

  8. It seems like 15 years ago there was a community plan authored by the community for the community. i.e. the people that live here.
    residents put their heads together and thought things out. like what happens if and so on.
    in various council's haste to get their feet in the VR trough, & everybody else's, the ramifications of most of the towns residential houses being turned into vacation rental hotels was ignored. or at least not thought about. what's done is done and there's nothing we can do about it.
    we've done a bang up job of becoming a successful tourist destination resort community. and part of the plan was to cram everybody and everything into the downtown core: housing, condos, stores, shops, restaurants, tour boat operators etc.......
    to make this all look great various alleged expert consultants were called in to gussy the place up. they were paid well, their cockamamie schemes were plastered all over the community, and they left.... with not a care in the world about what happens with all the dumb shit they have cluttered the town up with.
    what I'm getting at is that the community was tossed into the trash along with its values that were reflected in the OCP.
    it's not fixable and anybody with half a brain could have foreseen the problems we're stuck with after the consultants are gone.
    hiring more consultants to fix the problem the consultants created will probably take a consultant to figure out.
    it would be nice if someone in the village hall would admit that we have some big problems. continuing to ignore the parking problems, the housing problems, bogus campgrounds, dogs off leash, traffic flow insanity, etc. etc. meanwhile claiming everything is wonderful sounds too much like American politics

  9. Tofino doesn't need to study Cannon Beach as they don't have hundreds offshore vehicles using their downtown commercial streets as a long term parking lot .
    The answer is simple, NOTHING to study here.
    Get rid of the dumbass who makes the Tofino parking plans and STOP the unnecessary political correctness.

  10. Tofino Council is starting to sound like some Communist Agrarian Reform Committee, that has to rationalize the continuing decline in food supplies. Their answer is "you people are all too fat anyway. A little starvation is good. Just support the party and line up over here for your ration of a crust of bread. You can come back tomorrow and line up again when we run out.
    This generation shouldn't want or have, cars. So why should they be entitled to parking. Wasteful middleclass entitlements. Just support the party and enjoy your biking in the rain. And don't complain about those mini houses that you can't really own. You know the ones we that we have planned for you. Perhaps you can win one in the lottery. Besides,home ownership is just a another regressive entitlement......Sacrifice for the Party, Comrade. It is the excesses of the past exploitive generations that are the real cause of all your problems. And our Party historians have proved that there never was adequate parking or housing in the past. It is all a myth. All lies.
    Now, the party has solved all your problems...The party has declared a surplus. See, there is no shortage.

  11. Just imagine the chaos that's going to follow if the Gibson Street extension onto 1st Street is ever opened.
    Like it should be, in order to eliminate some of the congestion downtown on Campbell.
    Oh right, that would lead to hundreds (perhaps thousands) of auto-pedestrian accidents at the school.
    And the speeders!! God, don't forget about the speeders. Anyone ever hear of speed limits, traffic bumps, police enforced radar? (might be a great revenue source)

  12. I'm wondering why bylaw enforcement needs all those nice comfortable vehicles to drive around in. Why can't the bylaw officers jump to the front of the line and set an example for the rest of the people. Issue them nice raincoats and supply them with "Bylaw Bikes" to ride around town handing out infraction tickets. Same goes for a lot of the staff at the district office, a bike will get them there just as well as an automobile.
