No one is much interested in any of this information about Mr. Trudeau. He's here, he's wasting tons of our money while leading the country into his imaginary world of how he things ought to be, and next election he'll be gone. Oh yes, don't forget to mention how sorry he is about it all. We elected him, and now we just need to endure him for a couple more years and we can then proceed on into the next Canadian political disaster. Meanwhile, the rich (Trudeau's friends and supporters) get richer, your paycheck buys less each week, bread nears $5.00 a loaf, and the water on the reserves still isn't fit to drink.
No one is much interested in any of this information about Mr. Trudeau. He's here, he's wasting tons of our money while leading the country into his imaginary world of how he things ought to be, and next election he'll be gone. Oh yes, don't forget to mention how sorry he is about it all. We elected him, and now we just need to endure him for a couple more years and we can then proceed on into the next Canadian political disaster. Meanwhile, the rich (Trudeau's friends and supporters) get richer, your paycheck buys less each week, bread nears $5.00 a loaf, and the water on the reserves still isn't fit to drink.