
Friday, November 18, 2016

Political Correctness Has Marginalized the Working Class


  1. Remember back when young men could get good paying jobs, in Tofino, in the forestry and fishing industries? Not any more. The corporations took over the industries with the support of government, raped the resources, cut all the trees, killed all the fish, and kept all the money. Today, you're either a computer geek or your best job opportunity is to become a government employee tax leech. Or, in Tofino, you can get a job in the "tourism industry". These "really good jobs", pay at best, $50,000 a year, usually less, often only seasonal.It's got nothing to do with race or religion or skin color...... it's all about the 1% vs the 99%. That's why the elite (representing the 1%) were so desparate to get Bernie Sanders out of the presidential race and supported their puppet girl Crooked Hillary instead. That's why Trump, holding out hope to those 99%, won. Problem is that Trump's going to do everything the 1% is hoping for: Lower their taxes, protect their profits, slash their regulations, and he might even start a nice war that they can reap the profits from.
    In Canada, we replaced Harper's Conservatives with Trudeau's Liberals. The 1% is smiling, their situation remains safe and secure and the 99% have a choice. They can work for the pay that they're given and be grateful, or they can work for the pay that they're given and complain about it. But the pecking order remains the same.
    There won't be a revolution, not yet, the people aren't starving, yet. Well, most of aren't starving, yet.

  2. This is why the 99% has fully embraced operating short term rentals. They can get a part of the tourist economy without working for minimum wage .

  3. Contrary to popular opinion, operating short term rentals isn't just "easy money". Like any business, it requires investment, constant attention, dealing with a myriad of situations and complications. It involves risk. It involves expense. It's stressful and it takes a lot of work. It takes an ambitious, strong, intelligent person to do it successfully. The kind of person who used to fill the upper middle class sector in the "jobs" industry. People who owned their own fishing boat, their own logging truck. Ambitious people who worked hard for a good paying position on the ladder. Those jobs don't exist any longer. You either get out there and make your own success, or you work for minimum wage, condemn anyone who thinks outside the box (vacation rentals), support the authorities (who do little or nothing to solve your problems), drink your kool-aid, and resign yourself to your assigned place in the 99%.

  4. The part of the con not analyzed in this article is that as benefits to working people decline as a percent, accurately recorded, the amount going to government supported activity, doubles and then doubles again, unreported in this article. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

  5. One of the diversions is global warming. It is being used as a method to distract the brainwashed masses. with political correctness of not being able to speak the truth about its non existence the eco freaks are feeding into the plot to transfer the working classes money to the banksters.

  6. 3:49PM..... That's fuckin' horseshit.

  7. Global warming is the new religion.No blasphemy will be tolerated .

  8. 4:33 your comment is a prime example of the power of political correctness. It is as 4:52 said, blasphemous to say anything against global warming. It is blasphemous to say anything that might reveal any of the scams being played out on the working people of North America.
    You are no longer allowed to question or think.

  9. Eco-trust BTW is a bank.
    it is there to make money from eco-business.
    eco-business is there to make money from people who believe they are supporting the environment by spending money or buying things or supporting things they think are environmentally friendly.
    if anyone should disagree or point out the hypocrisy of some of these activities you sir are a political dissident standing in the way of eco business making money.
    political dissonance will be the next crime for expressing disagreement with anything to do with reality.
    sort of like the climate in the DOT politics. climate change denial in reverse.
    example? the lack of sewage treatment in the DOT; Driving, flying, or taking a ferry to the next great pipeline protest; using or consuming anything containing petroleum products: roads, tar and gravel roof's, plastics, paint, pvc pipe, etc.; using or consuming anything made of metal or wood: copper, nickel, iron, aluminum....... and in a more abstract way: advertising.
    personally I do not support unlimited consumption, hypocrisy nor some shysters making money off of the children's Crusade to stop everything.
    eco-business, like the economy or anything else that relies on unlimited consumption, has a business plan with you the consumer as a $tati$tic despite what anyone may think about the sanctity of their personal spiritual environmental beliefs and volunteer activities.
