
Friday, October 21, 2016

October 25 2016 Council Meeting Agenda


  1. environmentalist council contributes heavily to putting more carbon into the atmosphere.......approving burning of slash piles.
    way to go green!

  2. Not an environmentalist at all, simply a contrarian

  3. Why can't they shred and chip it into compostable material, pile it on their property for a few months and then sell the incredibly valuable newly created soil???

    Wouldn't that be cheaper than burning it?

  4. Better to burn it. More fun. Pisses more people off. Got any old tires you want to get rid of?

  5. does this mean we don't all have to ride bicycles to solve the carbon crisis?

  6. When can I burn the leaves and branches from my yard?

  7. the individual taxpayer can never burn are held to the high standards of environmental perfection enforced by the DOT. unless you are an out of town company. then do whatever you can get away with...burn baby burn!

  8. It is OK to burn. Sometimes. Bylaws are enforced selectively to create greater equity. Council uses their discretion for our benefit and social harmonie. Remember we must all get along and are all equal before the law, as council sees fit. Four legs good, Two legs bad.

  9. Donald Trump is correct..... The system is rigged, and not just the American Presidential system. The entire political system that governs western democracy has been hijacked by big business, big banks, special interest groups, and even by those who administer the system and we expect to oversee that the rules are fairly and justly followed by all. Canadian federal: We had crooked Liberals, voted them out and they got replaced with crooked Conservatives. B.C Provincial: We had crooked N.D.P., voted them out, got Gordon Campbell in their place. Tofino Municipal: We've had four different sets of elected officials in a decade and still the same set of issues remain unresolved. Nothing ever changes. People don't participate in the political process, because it's been turned into a confusing, frustrating, bureaucratic maze that only an army of lawyers could ever hope to find their way through after years of investigation and effort. Entrenched bureaucrats spend their days in high paid positions with their primary mission to protect and enrich their own positions, as they make more money than the citizens that they're appointed to serve. The common ordinary citizen is shut out, blocked by multiple layers of regulation and gobbledegook. We hear "I don't bother to vote, it's only going to end up as one crook or the other crook, who cares." People are disillusioned, they've lost faith and lost hope that things will get better. So instead of positive input and a sense of the community working together, we see political sniping, sarcasm, anger borne of frustration, criticism of all aspects of the process, non-participation, apathy. Donald Trump is right; The system is rigged...... and it isn't going to get any better.
