Monday, July 4, 2016

Tofino Job Available,%202016.pdf?handle=EE16221CF00D4410B85D5E3921A1B9C5


Anonymous said...

Couldn't help but notice that the phrase "common sense" isn't part of the description.

Anonymous said...

Job summary
"Reporting to the Manager of Community Sustainability"


Anonymous said...

Who is leaving ?

Anonymous said...

This new guy will be able to protect Tofino citizens and businesses from lawbreakers like these.....

Ralph Tieleman said...

I cannot publish comments that will lead to legal action. I understand your frustration.

Anonymous said...

6:06, No one is leaving. It's just that the work load for the "Manager of Sustainability" has gotten really, really, crazy, lately. Why it was only about ten years ago that Tofino actually approved a significant development. Back then it was all so easy. Today, things are not like the good old days. Things have progressed quite a bit. Why in recent years with the new "gestalt" of "progress through denial", Council as been rejecting everything, left, right, and center. Rejections have been flying out of City Hall at an incredible pace, and to great public acclaim I might add. But with the emergence of the housing crisis and all, the need for rejection has reached an all time high. The poor man is near exhaustion in his efforts to reject things.

Some have contended simplistically that even a trained monkey can be taught to say "No". This a churlish and immature response.

The public needs to understand these rejections can be onerous and time consuming as well as stressful, for all the staff. Council can be lauded for being pro-active here and reaching for new creativity and fresh thinking.
Recent graduates who might apply are likely better versed in the newer techniques of mollification, double speak and obfuscation. Appearing to be doing something for years, while accomplishing very little is no longer a dark art, but a matter of modern science. Let us celebrate the new position as a great achievement on the long road of bureaucratic fulfillment and progress. In fact, as anyone can see, more effort can now be expended in finding new and innovative reasons for rejection. All is well.

Anonymous said...

more process without results = red tape.
need a manager of red tape.
motto: i want nothing.
next we need a manager of ugly & stupid to create more of the 3rd and main look.

Anonymous said...

surreal is one way of describing how things work in the dot: no one on council knows how to do something simple like dig a hole, for example. instead of asking someone local who has dug lots of holes knows how to go about it, a consultant is hired to design a hole. many expensive public consultations are conducted by the consultant because its protocol for the consultant, who, by the way, has never dug a hole but has a degree from somewhere pretending he/she is qualified to design and dig holes.
after the protocols are conducted council adopts the hole design without any regard awareness or concern about the practicality of where the hole has been designed to be and the effect upon us stupids who pay for this nonsense because the money to be spent on the hole is only for the effect upon the tourists who don't know anything. i gotta go to work. to be cont.

Anonymous said...

Before any hole can be considered the DOT first must acknowledge that said hole is to be dug on unceded First Nations land and apologize for colonization.

Anonymous said...

You people are a bunch of fools. Just stick to the facts. The reality is that "Rejection" is scheduled for the first Monday morning of every month. It is not conducted on a continuous basis or otherwise. The whole point is to get it out of the way, right away, for the sake of efficiency. The rest of the month can then be devoted to the practise of "Circumlocution", a sort of talking around things in a non specific way that leads nowhere.

Which leads me to the subsequent commenter, who unfortunately works.

Council knows a great deal about holes. They have studied them. It did not take them long to realise that ordinary holes are a waste of time, and serve a very limited purpose for burying things. They have moved on to the "Black Hole", where everything, tax money, simple but effective ideas, genuine community effort and the lives of ordinary citizens, disappears to another dimension, never to be seen again....

Anonymous said...

Let's figure out a good way to operate a municipal government...... Victoria has 250,000 people, Nanaimo has 100,000, Campbell River has 60,000....... So let's operate Tofino's, with 1,800 people, on the same municipal plan. We'll tax at the same rate, pay the employees at the same rates, do everything the same way the big towns do it. Anyone with a brain could see that this is unlikely to work, so let's keep doing it. A huge part of the problem is that Tofino is not being governed according to the wishes of the citizens of Tofino, it being done the way that the BC Liberal government tells Tofino to do it. Until this insane system of municipal government is changed, nothing is going to change. We'll continue to be mired in the same red tape, continue to pay a "CAO" 170K to administer 1800 residents, a "Manager of Sustainability" 80K to point out that he needs help to do his job, and some guy 100K to mow the grass beside the highway.......

Anonymous said...

5:10 AM
Look at the cedar beam on the corner of Main & 3rd.
Within a week after installation a vehicle crashed into it.
5 weeks later that beam still lays like trash on the Street.

The Free Firewood sign will go up soon !

Anonymous said...

Same story on those yellow "bolt-on" curb sections along the MUP..... instead of putting in proper curbs, it was decided to use those lightweight pre-fab sections, which simply don't hold up to the requirements of the job. The result..... a bunch of smashed up looking scrap alongside the highway for all to enjoy..... and an endless expense in replacing the broken sections.

Anonymous said...

15 years ago,when I first came to Tofino I attended what was a very well attended public meeting. The council of the day was attacking the problem of Vacation rentals, "head on", or so they said. At that time, the other obvious issues the town was facing, were housing, water, sewer, parking....sound familiar.

Our "CAO" earns $170,000.00? Is he superman or what? That's not bad for semiretirement. $100,000.00 to mow the grass beside the highway. Is this for real.

Has the Tofino been taken over by some Zen cult, where less is more?.....

Anonymous said...

No it is the cult of more=less

Anonymous said...

We need a Brampton style purge. All it takes is a real leader.