
Friday, May 20, 2016

Tax Rate Error

  The final tax rates outstanding from other agencies were received on May 3,
2016 after which time staff proceeded to input the tax rates into the District’s software. The error was
detected on Friday, May 13
and confirmed by the Financial Officer
on Monday, May 16

A previous presentation to Council indicated that an average single family residential property that
increased in assessed value by 3% would
in municipal
2015 by 13% or $179. By
the tax rate bylaw to include a further
collection of $693,634, this same property would see
in municipal taxation of 8% or $113.
In the Business and Other class, a previous
presentation to Council indicated that a business property that increased in assessed value by 3% would
in municipal taxation over 2015 by 12% or $584. By amending the tax rate bylaw to include a
further collection of $693,634 this same property would see an
in municipal taxation of 9%  or $423.


  1. Did no one on council question anything when a tax decrease was presented after we we were warned previously of a series of tax increases ? Better check the water meters and bills again ! What else is screwed up ? Come on council ! Wake up !!

  2. Hi folks, Tofino Council here. We don't really know what we're doing, nor how much that'll cost....... so we've decided that we'll just continue to spend money like there's no tomorrow, and then we'll just tax you all as much as we feel like. Of course, we'll keep all the accounting and explanations as complex and confusing as possible, because that's the way that staff has told us to do it. Trust us, we've got your back.

  3. There was no net loss of revenue

  4. How about the debacle on Main St ? What a joke !

  5. I have had many requests to do a story on Main St but was going to wait to see which streets are one way and which way the traffic flow will be directed. Thanks for your interest. Ralph

  6. You mean the waste of taxpayer money on wood decking that will need replacement after a short period of time?

  7. Tax me I'm CanadianMay 20, 2016 at 5:44 PM

    Many tourists flock here to see for themselves the extravagant waste of money.The MRI money is truly a wonder !

  8. Many contractors flock here to get for themselves some of the extravagant waste of money. The MRI money is truly a wonder!

  9. At least all the contractors use electric trucks and machinery.No carbon footprint at all from these well thought out projects.

  10. Yeah, Right. Electric machinery....... powered by diesel fueled generators. (Rented from United Rentals and hauled here on a Diesel Powered 18 wheeler)

  11. MRI !! Hahaha RMI !!
    Whatever it is money to burn !

  12. 20 Years from now, we'll look back on the sad waste of these RMI funds and realize that we could have had an aquarium, a museum, or a really nice tourism center (built of nice wood, steel and brick and glass that would last 80 years), a decent community dock to replace the one on 1st street (which isn't going to last forever), a full time harbour market, or other amenities that would have served the visitors to our village for decades to come..... and instead the money was wasted on wooden ground level decks and flower gardens that only serve to create expense and decay, and on foolishness that serves no one, except the people who rake in the cash creating it. This money isn't a bottomless pit, it ain't gonna keep flowing in forever, and the way we're seeing it wasted is a darn shame.
    I've been watching this construction project on Main St. Sure does seem to be dragging on......for a project that isn't really that large.

  13. It makes no sense for the district to not be using the longest lasting materials possible with these RMI funds. The local taxpayer has to pay for the repairs as RMI funding will not allow for that.

    People think it is expensive to live here? Wait until the tax bills start coming in for the future repairs and maintenance of these RMI projects.

    Add in future sewer treatment expenses of perhaps a reasonable to expect $600 a month and this place will be really expensive to live in.
    160 hour work month equates to $3.75 for every hour worked would be going to the sewer you use at home.

    I was given the $600 amount from someone living in a small sewer treatment system town in Ontario. You will note that nobody is quoting any tax rates for the future sewer system.

    Doesn't seem like there is much in the way of financial controls at the town hall if they can't calculate tax rates correctly the first time and they don't notice for years some places were getting free water.

  14. Seems there is a culture of privilege down at city hall. Who knows how much of somebody else' money (the taxpayers of Tofino) they wasted today. Budget growth exceeds inflation, income growth, population growth and GDP by a wide margin. By any measure spending is out of control..."Should we fund the arts today, or a food festival, isn't culture wonderful". You must understand we are a big shot town now and we need to spend to keep up appearances. Waste and extravagance. The money keeps coming in and little of benefit gets accomplished... an empire of swivel servants is there to spend it, with few concrete benefits for residents. Could have had any number of assets for the community, with some prudence and planning, but councils get a sense of self importance and get used to spending. There is no zero based accounting revue. "What will we order for catering today. Let's see, whatever we budgeted last time plus 8 percent, that's our usual rate. Sounds good".

  15. Better hire a consultant to see how to improve Mayor and Council's popularity. In the meantime any errors will result in raises for all office staff.

  16. 8:40am mentions few concrete benefits for residents. That is for sure. Why use concrete when we can use wood that will rot and then have to be redone at taxpayer expense after some consultant says it should be repaired?

  17. There is a disconnect between the public and council/staff. I went to all the meetings when the RMI was being introduced. Only a small percentage of people wanted downtown revitalization but some on council wanted the town to look like Qualicum so that's what we got.
    Once started it had to carry on . At least we didn't get a traffic circle ....

  18. The last twenty years have been a zero for community development, because 1) all the money, huge dollars has been frittered away on consultants, a top heavy municipal staff, failed housing initiatives etc. etc. with little to show, 2)private sector initiative has been squashed in terms of housing and tourist development. Council feels a need to be in control of everything, but they have cooked their goose....A lack of foresight and bylaw enforcement. Now we have four hundred Vacation Rentals, so I am given to understand, none paying commercial tax, all using valuable water resources that have been denied other proponents....because..."we don't have enough water for any more development". Well, we got the development anyway through the back door.

    So what do I hear council wants to do....Hire 2 more bylaw people and a fleet of expensive lawyers cause it is going to get ugly. The horse has left the barn folks. Again, this will cost us a fortune.

    My suggestion, move on to the future. Approve some residential development with no tourist accommodation options on the zoning....Require Vacation rentals to pay a $1200.00 (or there abouts) fee for licensing.(income tax deductible for operators.) Lever the collected $500,000.00 plus (annually and in perpetuity) and a patch of municipally owned land(we have plenty) spend it on rental housing, municipally owned and operated or in partnership with private enterprise, at no additional charge to much abused Tofino Taxpayer.

    Make some modest improvements to the Ginnard creek( Imaaqses sp, whatever) reservoir. Raise the dam by 3 to 4 feet. Clean out some more of the vegetation as was initially proposed. Easily doubling the storage capacity and improving water quality. Slowly start enforcement on the most egregious VR operators.

    Make the next twenty years different. Something to be proud of....

  19. 2:16 you forgot that the Sharp Creek Dam needs resurfacing as well as raising but we probably can't pay for that out of RMI money either.

    I wonder if the annual maintenance on the water collection galleries has been done this year. Perhaps too busy with RMI beautification spending priorities.

    Any idea how soon we will run out of water this year because of all the unlicensed VR's?

    As for the $!200 a year license for vacation rentals how about 10 or 20 times that. Then the town could have some real money for housing as you suggested.
    At $12,000 or $24,000 a year, times approximately 400 illegal VR's it equals 4.8 to 9.6 Million dollars that could go into rental housing.
    Don't forget it is tax deductible if they are paying taxes on their income. They wouldn't be cheating Revenue Canada would they?

    The ultimate threat to ensure compliance and payment of the $24,000 a year license fees would be reporting their non compliance to Revenue Canada.

    If some of you think the $24,000 is too high for a Vacation rental business license, try renting a commercial business space in Tofino for only $2,000 a month. That would still leave the operators with at least $6,000 a month income for VR's at $300 a night can easily bring in $9,000 a month.
    Maybe we can get the town back to being a town.

  20. 5:40.... that is insane. How about a $24,000 business licence fee for restaurants and surf shops?(or maybe $50,000). Then that money could be used to provide cheap rental housing for their staff? (which seems to be who is doing all the crying about lack of affordable housing) Shouldn't be a problem with a burger and fries going for $17.50.

  21. In response to 2:16 I've heard, that yes we are already running out of water this year, largely because of the increased use with the town being so busy, so yes to the impact of so many VR's. I also heard that the Administrator put off the water restriction notice in hope it might rain next week.....Seriously.

    There has also been talk that the administrator has put off dealing directly with Clayoquot Band about getting support go back on to Meares Island to do a few improvements. It was suggested he wants to wait for a crisis situation and ask the Province to deal with the matter....If this is true, this is unfortunate because relations have always been pretty good in this regard on these kind of issues. Escalating the issue to the provincial level may only result in parties drawing lines in the sand, and things blowing up. I know the local first nations are supportive of the Tofino Salmon Enhancement effort, and that water from Meares is essential for the survival of the Hatchery. of course they also use the water from the system at Tin -Wis. My first instinct is to speak with them directly at a local level because there is a genuine need.

  22. 6:41 in response to the insanity claim about licensing fees for VR's.
    It is also insane for the district to do nothing about them.
    It will not be long at the rate the current housing stock is being converted to VR's before there are no citizens left living here year round.

  23. Good to hear that the CAO is running the show......again......brings back warm, fuzzy memories of Braiden Smith. And as we all remember, that worked out wonderfully.

  24. The CAO is hired to run the show.Otherwise ,Clown Bike and Cathy Thicke would be issuing direct orders to staff in the name of God,Gore and Suzuki.

  25. Why is this a surprise? Those fools just keep on keepin' on.Tax the shit out of those of us who still are residents! Funny thing is, who hires these incompetent people? Maybe they should be held accountable!!!

  26. In former times there was no such expression as "refer to staff" . Councilors actually had to think . They were assigned portfolios and issued reports to the rest of council.It actually worked quite well. If you consider that nobody on council noticed a $700,000 tax error or millions worth of water being given away it might be a good idea to return to a portfolio system .

  27. Through the democratic process the people of Tofino hire mayor and council who then in turn hire staff. We are seeing the flaws in the system at every level. Very few people want to run for Tofino council or provincial MLA or federal MP. The "best and the brightest" want nothing to do with the "Gong Show" . Look at Trudeau's actions in the House recently .......Trump or Clinton will be the next US president .

  28. Any thoughts on the Clinton Botanical Foundation ?

  29. Clinton Botanical Foundation....that's good. Who is "crooked Hillary" now.

  30. Ralph - you're way off base. Traffic circles are awesome.

  31. Bill 101- they are so awesome with a boat trailer !

  32. given the severe lack of affordable monthly accommodations due to the fact council has turned a blind eye to the greed of illegal vacation rentals maybe those in need of rental housing could start a tent city protest in the Village Green. Maybe then council and staff would be willing to tackle the issue of the housing shortage. It would make for an awesome view from the windows of the castle of those almighty civil servants.

  33. Ralph, can you elaborate on you one way street comment?

  34. I had thought that from the width of some sections of the project that they would become one way.I don't think there is enough room for two large vehicles to safely pass each other. I will check with the authorities on Tuesday.

  35. I've heard something about one way traffic on Gibson St. or part of Gibson in the evenings. Anyone know anything?

  36. I've heard a rumor that Councillor Blanchette is leading a movement to change the name of Gibson Street to Qwalantuis^Huafumion-a-DerfuihniolgAfukeos.

  37. If you were at the Town Hall meeting on May 10, you'd know that council is indeed moving forward on bringing Short Term Rentals into alignment with bylaws and zoning. I agree we are long overdue. Step one is putting some numbers to the situation, and educating all STR providers as to the laws and their situation. We're aiming first for voluntary compliance, and i think we'll get quite a bit of it. After that, we start

    RMI funds, sadly, are very restricted in what we're allowed to spend them on. Believe me, bylaw and infrastructure would be at the top of the list if we could.

    I've heard nothing about Gibson Street, apart from that everyone would really like to see it paved, with sidewalks, one of these days.

    And your rumour, 9:08, is partly true, as many rumours are. I would like to see many more First Nations names in town. It's Tla-o-qui-aht traditional territory, after all. This is a small part of reconciliation, for one, and at the very least, it's a cultural resource not being taken advantage of.

  38. I would like to see streets named after slaves killed in this area.Another First Nations tradition.There was no reconciliation for the slave trade although it is well documented.

  39. What a great honour to have a street full of potholes and strewn with garbage named for the TFN. Throw some beads in as well. More colonial tokenism. If you want to do something meaningful go back to Europe.

  40. I would love to go back to Europe but I have a sense of duty to create an economy and to pay my taxes to keep First Nations afloat. I am Canadian

  41. Blanchette on his high horse yet again. What a nobleman.

  42. Snapper Street!

  43. Councillor Blanchette makes it sound like action on VR's is taking place. It was clearly said at the meeting that enforcement would not start until next year. Free pass this year for the VR's. Some solution to the housing problem.

    There was also a guy there wanting to rezone the Shore building to VR. So while the process has been started and stalled with the rezoning process in limbo it appears that they too have a free pass. Obviously that is the first place to start with creating housing in Tofino is by enforcing existing zoning on the Shore. They will still be able to rent their units just like they were when they bought them but only on a monthly basis.

    Same situation applies for the South Chesterman beach condos.

    Everything is good. Nothing to see here folks. Go back to sleeping in your car.

  44. "the housing problem"..... ???? What problem? Seems to me that the only "problem" is businesses not having a place for their seasonal staff to shower and sleep. So why should this "problem" be thrust onto the backs of condo owners and local taxpayers? I should have my condo sit empty for seven months a year, so some yokels can wreck it having parties from May 'til October and then skip out on the rent and damages when their job at the Surf Shop dries up in the fall? F**k that! It's not my responsibility to provide a crash place for staff at the surf shop and the restaurant.
    If you don't have a place to live, ask your employer why not? When they opened their business, they knew that they would need seasonal staff..... Why wasn't accomodations for their staff a part of their business plan? Why isn't accomodations for staff a requirement when the District approves their business licence application?..... They need to provide parking (or pay the "parking bribe" to the District), so why can't "accomodations" be looked at with the same lens?

  45. The guests that stay in these hated "short term rentals" shop in your stores, take trips on your boats and planes, eat at your restaurants, employ cleaners and maintainance staff, rent your surfboards, hire your guides...... and spend a ton of money all over your community. It's stupid to hate them and blame them if you don't have a place to live......if not for them, you possibly might not need a place to live, because you wouldn't have a job.

  46. Good point made by 12:40PM...... Business license applications ask the question.... "How many employees"? Why even ask the question if the answer is going to be ignored, and no thought is given (by neither the employer nor the authorities) as to where these employees are going to live?

  47. If a business can't find employees it will fail. Some need staff housing and some don't . This is not a new problem. Back in the 70s many workers at the fish plants camped illegally on Sharp Rd.The District of Tofino should not subsidize businesses by providing staff housing.Many new condos will be built in the next year or two.

  48. I suggest a street named after Mr. Blanchette, some dead end would be most appropriate.


  49. In regard to the renaming of streets

    There is a really interesting history and culture right here in Tofino. Many places, streets are named for historical figures or events, related to the founding of the town, and people who past generations considered important, so that this history would be remembered.

    Perhaps councillors should acquaint themselves before riding off in all directions .Many newcomers to Tofino, and that may include Coucillors, may not have a great deal of familiarity with this history, tradition and culture. Not suprising if our socalled municipal leadership shows so little respect.....

    As a note, it is OK to respect the history of your own town as well as the history and culture of others. Don't be is OK

  50. My comment is about the outrageous suggestion that Mr. Blanchette wants to replace certain street names in Tofino. For what, the flavour of the moment? I strongly oppose any such effort. Many of the street names in Tofino have a historical significance. It is dismissive of the history of the town, which honours the Gibsons, Arnets, Guppys, Monks and many other families, who did more for the betterment of this community than Mr. Blanchette will ever accomplish, even in his politically correct dreams. What next? The Betty Farmer Memorial Gardens on the village green, created and planted by volunteers to honour her after her passing.

    Other comments have suggested that this is in keeping with Reconciliation. Eliminating non-natives from the history of the town (and the country) is no reconciliation at all. This is a cultural genocide of its own.

  51. "council is indeed moving forward on bringing Short Term Rentals into alignment with bylaws and zoning." I bet this means making them legal not enforcing the current bylaws. Break the rules then ask for forgiveness. How many times have we seen that happen. Big money rules in this town.

  52. 2:42, maybe Sharpe Rd. could be renamed Not So Sharp Rd. It's a dead end.

  53. Re: 9:30 PM That is certainly what the Mayor wants to do. The Councillors who oppose this are in the minority.

  54. It's about the DOT increasing business licence revenue not creating affordable monthly rentals for locals.

  55. No one looks good on this VR issue. Not staff. Not council. People have been saying for years we were losing housing and tax revenue as well as inflicting commercialization of neighbourhoods. The lack of enforcement amounts to a willful blindness. In the meantime all the VR customers, one cannot blame them, but they cost the town just as much in parking, water, and ever other way that tourists cost the town money, without the operators paying their fair share of taxes.

    As regards the South Chesterman's Beach Condo's, years ago council called them to task for commercializing the development, almost all were VRing the units. They were told they would have to rezone to operate like that......So they applied to rezone....They were told they needed to pay an amenity....So an amount was worked out, some several hundreds of thousands was offered.....Then the same council turned there application down......Can you imagine the hypocracy, the stupidity, of Tofino Councils. Of course nothing was enforced and they just kept on.......

    Now we are in such a hole it will take quite awhile to dig ourselves out.

  56. Stupidity? Hypocricy? Tofino Council? I'm shocked!

  57. Re. Chesterman Beach Condo's....Shocking, that's ten years of property tax at 3 times the residential rate.. that alone could have started some affordable rental housing. Probably over a million bucks.
    Makes you wonder what Tofino could have done with that money.

    Town could have hired some more consultants and gave staff a proper raise. A few more dollars to the "Friends" to spend on propaganda purposes. Maybe a couple of gala luncheons. Bought some more parkland to return to First Nations.

    Fact is, more money for the town, more money down the black hole. Gone to another reality.

  58. Dot is not interested in business licences for revenue. That is just a nuisance. The people who actually live here are loaded. It's a bottomless pit. Tax the people, it's way easier, you are guaranteed to collect......
