
Monday, September 14, 2015

Mulcair on Toronto and Olympic Bid


  1. Gordo will support Olympics and Arena regardless of what it costs the taxpayer

  2. What is the strategy here ? I don't get it


  4. A balanced budget?
    Today, I listened to Herr Harper, speaking in Vancouver, as he expounded on his marvelous accomplishment of balancing the federal budget, with a surplus, and being "on track" to repeat the wonderful feat again next year.
    Got me to thinking, so I did a bit of research.... In Sept of 2005, ten years ago, the national debt was about 495 billion dollars. Today, it stands at 612 billion. That's an increase of 117 billion dollars, or an average annual increase of about 11.7 billion dollars!
    No wonder the budget is "balanced".
    Hell, if I could simply go to the bank and borrow whatever money I felt like borrowing, and not worry about paying it back (we'll leave that for the grandkids to worry about), I could afford to live like a king, and I'd have no problem "balancing" my budget. All I'd need to do is find a way to service the debt (pay the interest)..... much like making the "minimum monthly payment" on a credit card..... except that the national debt is much larger and the situation much worse.
    So, according to my research, and Mr. Harper's input, this year there's a federal surplus of 1.9 billion dollars...... but once you take into account the 11.7 billion addition to the national debt. we've actually gone another 9.8 billion deeper into the sewer.
    Great work, Steve.
    I'm curious about something, though, Steve. How can you stand in front of the people of this country, and actually claim to be a responsible steward of the nation's finances and then say that we're on "the right path", when you (and anyone who can count) knows full well that it's not true? Have you no conscience?
