
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Michael Campbell on hypocrisy

I see local councilor Greg Blanchette on his bicycle quite frequently......good on him for reducing his carbon footprint.....what I also see is all the anti-oil sticker on cars !! cars full of oil !! go figure......
   It was brought to my attention that Tofino itself is almost totally dependent on fossil fuels.Tourists burn fossil fuels to get here and then burn some more once they are here...for no other reason than their own enjoyment......


  1. Typical redneck propoganda

  2. Not really....I think it shows how enviros and rednecks are dependent on fossil fuels to maintain our lavish lifestyle. How many Vancouver Island protestors got to Burnaby Mountain without fossil fuels ?

  3. Ralph - remind many of those protesters on Burnaby Mountain are from out of town including Suzuki - imagine they all walked from wherever they came from, stayed in tepees and lived off the land whilst en route, etc. ...

  4. Yeah. OK..... But if you asked similar questions about slavery in 1850's Mississippi you'd have gotten similar responses.... No one could have ever imagined how that economy and society could have possibly survived or adapted to a new way of behavior that did not include a model that folks had been accustomed to and reliant upon for the previous century. The Southern way of life depended upon slavery to function, just as our way of life depends upon fossil fuels. It's hard to imagine a future without oil, gasoline, plastic, etc....... But we had all better start thinking about what that future is going to look like. Like slavery, the petroleum industry IS going to come crashing to an end. Perhaps due to climate change, perhaps the supply will simply run out, perhaps environmentalists will take over the political leadership of the planet..... but, be assured, consumption of fossil fuels WILL come to an end. It's only a question of when, not if. Probably not during my lifetime, but your grandchildren, or possibly your great grandchildren are going to be forced to face the cost of, as Ralph puts it, our"lavish lifestyle". The end of slavery in American required the horrid and bloody mess of the Civil War to resolve..... Will it be the same with the abolishment of our energy-mad political-economic system? It's very possible. The rich will struggle to retain their wealth. Those in power will struggle to retain their power. Those who feel repressed and downtrodden and used will revolt.... violently if their situation deteriorates to an extent where they feel no other course is available to them. What will you do when your kid can no longer breathe the air, your wife is ridden with cancer, and the water isn't safe to drink any longer? Or when the American and Chinese military arrive to begin the joint pipeline project to export Canada's reserves of fresh water? Or when Chesterman Beach Rd. is under 3 feet of water, due to rising ocean levels? Many slave owners in the "Old South" freed their slaves, and spoke out against slavery. Today, in order to speak out and be heard, it's a queer paradox that one needs to consume fossil fuels in order to speak out against the expansion of their use. It's important to always bear in mind that the discussion is about fossil fuels, climate change, and the environment.... not about who the messenger is or how he happened to get there. Your children are being labelled, not as "baby-boomers" or "generation x".... they're being called "generation screwed". It's a sad legacy we're leaving to them, as we argue back and forth about "the small stuff", instead of getting to work on solving the problems.

  5. Ghandi didn't pack a .45 while he preached non-violence....

  6. Anon @ 9:54 ...

    Have been hearing about "end of oil" since the first energy crisis early 70's and every time you turn around they discover more oil and/or new methods of extraction - obviously I give the human race more credit that you - in fact, if you had your way, you would still be looking to improve on the horse & buggy.

    What I find exponentially more troubling is the advent of Muslims and their fanaticism alongside leaders unwilling or unable to admit what is happening - of course muslims want peace & democracy provided it is pursuant to sharia law ...

    Why don't you start thinking for yourself rather than repeat politically correct absurdities that progressives want you to believe.

  7. I'm gonna get me one of those big monster RAM trucks!!!..... and a hot tub, and three surfboards!! But I'm gonna go vegan and only eat organic veggies.

  8. 2:07..... Did you just tell me that I shouldn't be concerned about the consequences of fossil fuel consumption because they're discovering even more oil and methods of extracting it? That's a perspective that I hadn't considered. Thanks for the enlightenment.

  9. @4:05PM - perhaps you should take that up with your idol Suzuki - who probably leaves a larger carbon footprint than the entire permanent population of Tofino

  10. Why do all the enviros fly to far away locations to discuss how bad jets are for the environment ?

  11. @8:40 AM - because they can and get away with it - it's called "do as I say, not as I do"

  12. suzuki is from north vancouver so he didnt travel far to the burnaby mountain protests. but i think what is forgotten in these debates is that many anti oil industry activists are not calling for the abolishment of fossil fuels. The pipelines and predominantely oil export policies do not benefit us here in canada whatsoever (well there is a small pittance in taxes that go to the government coffers). Furthermore, these policies make us more dependent on the stuff. It is possible to sustain our energy needs without draining all the reserves. But economically it does not make sense. And that is the crux. We are not building the tar sands development and corresponding pipelines to uphold our lavish lifestyles. That stuff is solely built for the benefit of a few Chinese corporate heads and a few American corporate heads. Trickle down effects of the oil industry has had some effect for canada as a whole but it paradoxically makes us more dependent on that industry and other economic choices are not taken. Also, the many tax breaks the oil industry hets could have been used for the benefit of out educational and health system with a much more tangible effect on us rather than a pittance of monetary gain.

  13. Suzuki flew in from overseas when his grandson got arrested. You make some good points but the overall viability of the Canadian oil industry depends on export markets.If the crude price stays below $50 we could be seeing tankers full of less expensive offshore oil going to Cherry Point .Like it or not the oil industry is global....

  14. You're ridiculous. Really? You'll fly to Cabo or Puerto Vallarta to enjoy cheap beer, but then roast the Doc for leaving Point Grey to raise awareness of the importance of environmental sustainability?


  15. Only the rich should fly I guess

  16. Anon @8:20 PM - but why is it only in Canada that Suzuki and his ilk continue to pursue concept of "environmental sustainability"?

    Shucks, China continues to built a new coal fired electrical plant ever week or so ... why doesn't Suzuki take time to advise the Chinese as to the importance of environmental sustainability - am sure the Tides Foundation would be happy to fund that.

  17. I was just watching a program on CBC........ Suzuki was on, expounding his environmental exaggerations and outright lies...... statements like "As temperatures rise, sea ice melts" and "Spilled oil is toxic to fish and animals". This guy has got to be gotten under control! Spreading unproven "theory" like this is akin to yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theatre. We don't need people like Dr. Suzuki to tell us what's best for our country......we've got "real" experts, like Stephen Harper, to look after that for us. When it comes to the future welfare of your grandchildren, who would YOU trust? Suzuki? Harper?

  18. Real environmentalists don't have 5 children and multiple homes.Suzuki and his ilk are a big part of the problem. They discredit the entire environmental movement.

  19. I think I would trust Bob MacDonald from Quirks and Quarks more than Suzuki and Harper combined.....


  21. Seriously?

    Ralph, I respect(ed) you.

    til now.



  24. Ralph, these are not environmentalists.... actually, they're 1,700 super rich people meeting in Davos to put on the "appearance" of concern for the environment.

  25. Edit: That should read 3,000 super rich on 1,700 jets.

  26. Jan 30th @8:32 PM

    ... and followed by +1,700 limos, plus however many security types in their vehicles, etc. - an endless array and yes, part of their platform was discussion on climate.
