
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Tax Receipts
 Some readers have wondered if Tofino is in a legal position to issue tax recipts.They are.


  1. It's good to know there's no hanky-panky about the tax receipt business. thanks Ralph for clarifying that.
    in reading over many of the comments about the weeping cedar woman the only thing I can add to the discussion is about Braden Smith.
    for good or for bad Mr. Smith insisted that once and for all the process for doing anything in tofino was going to be done according to the rules and regulations.
    there were to be no exceptions.
    Mr. Braden's insistence was intended to do away with the sense of entitlement that people who were born here or lived here most of their lives didn't have to adhere to many of toFino's bylaws or requirements or plans.
    most of the ordinary people here recognize that we should all have to be held to the same standards as everyone else and Mr. Braden's view levelled the playing field. long overdue.
    unless you are the special interest group who already announces that the weeping cedar woman is a done deal as far as the district taking ownership the liability of the thing without any known process taken into account despite recommendations from district staff not to.
    because they're entitled to. why? I have no idea.
    are they better, wiser, greedier, and smarter than the rest of us taxpayer saps?

  2. here's the deal: for the district of tofino to issue tax receipts for donations for a specific thing the district has to own the thing.
    ownership seems simple enough when it comes to a rock or an anchor or something concrete as long as they are not considered to be in that completely different world of art.
    the ramifications of the district owning a work of art have not fully dawned on anybody quite yet.
    and since there is no art acquisition policy which would spell out the exact responsibilities(think expensive) for the owner of the artwork thing, no one seems to have a clue about liability for the welfare of the thing; the care and maintenance of the thing; security and protection; insurance, things like that.
    these responsibilities for the proper curation of an art thing cost money every year. budget budget budgeet.
    since that thing has already been bought in principle the district can be held liable by the artist for failing or neglecting to properly curate the art thing once it takes physical possession.
    does anyone on council realize the responsibilities and the costs involved in acquiring an art thing? is there anyone on the district staff who has any experience in the curation of art things? or know anything about it?
    i thought so.
    new budget item. new union position. arts curator $80,000 per year to start. MFA required.

  3. put the cedar wmon on the other side of main.
    every year put another monument to some kind of glory, or knot along the south side of the street.
    kinda like a village with totems in front of the houses. like an emily carr themed place where people are so proud of some deed or something else they have an erection of some kind of artistic thing.
    seriously - the other side of the street for things like this.
    an art acquisition plan, beats ferris wheels


  4. The Ferris Wheels are Public Art !
    Dude Chilling Park ; )
