Footloose is a 1984 American musical-drama film directed by Herbert Ross. It tells the story of Ren McCormack (Kevin Bacon), an upbeat Chicago teen who moves to a small town in which, as a result of the efforts of a local minister (John Lithgow), dancing and rock music have been banned.
The film is loosely based on events that took place in the small, rural, and religious community of Elmore City, Oklahoma.[1]
Ren McCormack (Bacon), a teenager raised in Chicago,
moves with his mother to the small town of Bomont to live with his aunt
and uncle. Soon after arriving, Ren makes a friend named Willard, and
from him learns the city council has banned dancing and rock music. He
soon begins to fall for a rebellious girl named Ariel, who has a
boyfriend, Chuck Cranston, and an overprotective father, Reverend Shaw
Moore (Lithgow), an authority figure in the town.
After trading insults with Ariel's boyfriend, Ren is challenged to a game of chicken
involving tractors, and despite having never driven one before, he
wins. Rev. Moore mistrusts Ren, forbidding Ariel to see him. Ren and his
classmates want to do away with the no dancing law and have a senior
Ren goes before the city council and reads several Bible
verses to cite scriptural support for the worth of dancing to rejoice,
exercise, or celebrate. Although Rev. Moore is moved and tries to get
them to abolish the law, the council votes against him. Moore's wife is
supportive of the movement, and explains to Moore he cannot be
everyone's father, and that he is hardly being a father to Ariel. She
also says that dancing and music are not the problem. Moore soon has a
change of heart after seeing some of the townsfolk burning books that they think are dangerous to the youth. Realizing the situation has gotten out of hand, Moore stops the burning.
On Sunday, Rev. Moore asks his congregation to pray for the high
school students putting on the prom, which is set up at a grain mill
outside of town. Moore and his wife are seen outside, dancing for the
first time in years.
A vaguely familiar story.....
ReplyDeleteits not even vaguely familiar. its reality unfortunately here now.
ReplyDeleteyou havent met the fun police yet or seen them shutting down a dance party.
the only thing missing is the religious element.
hey! turn the music up and the cops down......
ReplyDelete"Cut your hair. Get a job. And go to church".
ReplyDeleteDirect quote from Tofino's Finest.
Tough guys don't dance
ReplyDeleteonce its no longer possible to dance at parties, the legion, social functions, etc. we can be like whistler with its escort services.
ReplyDeletedancing will be permitted in lodging rooms only with an escort as long as the escort has a business license, theres no alcohol involved, and a video surveillance device is monitored by the fun police to insure no one smiles or laughs.
oh no. now we need to hire a director of escort services....