Monday, December 17, 2012

Arthur Clarke

Art Clarke R.I.P.      Art was a good guy and a true friend


Anonymous said...

same here. R.I.P. art

Anonymous said...

same here. R.I.P. art

Anonymous said...

For those who did not know Art, he was the harbour master here for many years. His house is the corner of Fourth and Main, where Crab Apple was until recently. He hosted many a coffee chats with "old timers" with a view over that harbour.

A nice fellow ... RIP Art

Anonymous said...

RIP Art ! had many a good chat with him over the years. A great fellow full of stories- always good for a chuckle. Any news on where/when funeral service or memorial will be?

Anonymous said...

Yes, rest in peace! Art was a no BS person. Sad

samstone said...

Art was a no b.s. guy, in less of course he was pulling your leg! one of his favorite pastimes.....will miss the guy

samstone said...

Art was a nob.s. guy, unless of course he was pulling your leg! one of his favorite pastimes! Will miss his one of a kind sense of humor.

Bill Tieleman said...

Very sorry to hear Art Clarke has passed away.

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace Uncle Art

Michael said...

Rest in Peace Uncle Art