
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Council Meeting Report

Mayor Perry Schmunk and CAO Braden Smith both announced that they will be stepping down from their positions soon.


  1. There will be some very tough times in the short term. This is however for the best.
    If we can pray that our council will keep their eyes on the ball, instead of worrying about their pet projects we will be fine.

  2. come back foreman mike, all is forgiven.

    we need you

  3. Let us pray that council is more careful with their hiring practices.

  4. What is Jennifer Robb doing? we could use her level head and fiscal conservatism at a time like this.

  5. Tofino is the toy that nobody wants at christmas once again. The town is run by mayor and council on the books, but is actually controlled by the "old boys network" which is the down fall of this great little community. The people that bitch should step up to the plate

  6. In an era of fiscal restraint, a municipality focus towards managing their finances, streamlining
    procedures and making the system more flexible is most important. Who we hire or elect should reflect an understanding of this reality... the reality of shrinking budgets and inflating costs.

  7. Lore, you are right.
    It is also important to not vote for a white elephant called a sucking rink. That'll be the sound heard as everyone's wallet empties. You think our taxes are bad now, just wait a while and see the costs of operating that sucking rink rise beyond anyone's estimates due to inflation.

    When was the last time the sport court was used for ball hockey? Maybe a few times a year? Its use level certainly does not indicate a need for a rink.

    Try paying for inflated taxes with a fixed pension
    that many members of this community have to live on.

    So, all the retirees who can't afford the taxes will defer them. Then where is the money needed to run this sucking rink going to come from? The general operating budget? We seemingly can't afford to fix potholes never mind a rink.

  8. Why the heck did he bother to run for mayor if he was taking a job out of town?

  9. I used to think the problem was the staff, but now I'm beginning to think the problem is the town.
    Who wants to take a job like CAO or run for mayor when all they're going to get is shit on?
    How many CAO's have we had since 2006?
    How many supers?
    How many treasurers?
    We're amazing at blaming everybody else, but don't have the balls to take responsibility for our own decisions and actions.
    Bring in the next group of losers and prepare the torture chambers...

  10. When he ran for Mayor he had no idea he would be employed away from Tofino. Sad to see such ignorance is at work here once more and so many pathetic responders hide behind the 'Anonymous' moniker......don't people have faces anymore - pitiful really!!

  11. Re the rink: As non-Canadian owners of a Chesterman Beach house we cannot vote on this referendum. When the idea of a multiplex was first introduced to us, it was to be privately funded. We thought it a great idea to provide activity for local children and we donated some funds to the start-up effort. Now we find that it will be stuck to us to pay for it.

    Out-of-towners and retirees who don't use enough water? Raise CB property taxes. Build a multiplex to be used by everyone but CB residents? Raise CB property taxes.

    When many of us bought these houses, they were much lower than current (and currently unrealistic ) valuations. We are not 'those rich people on CB' and we cannot continue to be the cash cow for Tofino. Many CB houses are for sale because of the tax burden. Many are owned by Canadian retirees on fixed incomes who will be driven from their homes if this doesn't stop.

    This is especially galling for us property owners who cannot vote even on local property tax issues, but must come up with the increased tax voted in by Tofino residents who are not property owners.

  12. Re: Non-Canadian resident; I think the residents of this town would be happier if people like you did get rid of your house. Maybe if everyone sold their house then the actual residents of this town could afford property.

  13. Great to see the "no fun" people are still around.


  14. Very disappointing, why would Mr. Schmunk run for mayor if he was not committed to a three year term. Giving notice, after less than a year in office is not what I voted for. I think we can do better and need to carefully select the next mayor. Two duds in a row is very unfortunate.

  15. If all the Chestermans Beach Vacation Rentals paid commercial taxes the town would be in better financial shape.Let's hope the new mayor levels the playing field.

  16. To the CB owner; the taxes are NOT just being raised for CB owners, so get off your high horse.

    Why do you even have to mention you own a CB home, why not just state "as a non-Canadian homeowner"... it's almost a slap in the face to see you whining about taxes living on CB. Did you even READ who will be paying a property tax increase?

    If you did donate some funds, it is appreciated by those that care, because it means that this is what I moved here for - a community.

  17. I think the most disappointing point is that even though it is a struggle, the mayor did not even do 1 year... yes, he wasn't aware he wouldn't be working out of town, and you know what? He had great ideas. I don't know what happened between campaigning and actually implementing the ideas. Was it the mayor? Council? District? The "boys club?" Who knows.

  18. Guaranteed, his house will be up for sale by this spring.

  19. I am reminded of Paul Simon's song,
    "Fifty ways to leave your lover".

  20. mike come back

    we love u

  21. Yeah Bob

    You are so putting your face out there, ha ha!!

  22. Last year there was some talk of forming a ratepayers group. Maybe this would help to guide council and staff to come up with better ideas with support of all taxpayers, maybe its time with issues around water billing, DCCs, reduced tourism and ferry fares. Tofino could be in trouble in terms of a young, growing community.

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  24. foreman mike please come back please foregive us let whats happen lie

  25. how is it a number of pervios staff members are now looking at positions with the district after the recent resignations of certain senior staff members was it staff or was it managment that caused these staff to leave go dor0thy and mike we love you and need yo0u back

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  27. I'm not a Perry fan; but at least he was the lesser of the two evils. To give him credit at least he has resigned when faced with the fact he can't do the job he was elected for.
    As for the CAO well finally a very over paid position is becoming vacant. Hopefully council will revisit the wage structure of this position and bring it back to more appropriate levels. As well as review all the high salaried positions and ensure qualified people are in them. My .02

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  29. Hey Ralph

    What's up with the censorship? Should we file an FOI request, or will you deny those too?

    Have you been drinking Braeden's koolaid?

  30. Feel free to start your own blog.As the blog operator I am regularly threatened with legal action.If people contact me and state that they have objections to a post or comment I will review it.If you wish to post a guest article you are free to do so but you must take responsibility.
