
Monday, February 27, 2012

Water Meeting Update

John Motherwell made a presentation regarding the District of Tofino water system but District staff did not provide any numbers or flow rates so the presentation had very little context. I had asked for some historical water data from the past few years as had members of Council but none were provided.Bob Schantz said he thought there were numbers from 2007 and up at his office but they weren't available at the meeting...

This means we have no idea how much water came from the Close Creek component of the system and how much we might be short as tourist season approaches.
I asked for these numbers nearly three weeks ago and cannot understand why staff is withholding this information not only from myself but from Tofino Council. They cannot make informed decisions without this information.

Add to the lack of historical data the lack of any accurate data from the last 7 or 8 months and it is apparent that our water system has been ignored for far too long...time for some changes !

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