
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Request for Proposals-Arts,Heritage and Culture

1. Introduction
The District of Tofino invites proposals from qualified applicants interested in conducting a cultural scan of the arts, heritage and cultural community of the District of Tofino.
The project must be completed by April 24, 2011 Outcomes sought:
a. Define the local arts community
To prepare a catalogue of community cultural assets, facilities, organizations and other resources. This inventory is intended to enhance and improve knowledge and understanding of the Tofino area arts, heritage and culture landscape leading to the effective implementation of the District of Tofino Cultural Plan and create new opportunities for the Tofino arts, culture and heritage community.
b. Identify the community’s strengths and weaknesses
To highlight any gaps/needs in the cultural community (including but not limited to facilities, resources, funding, investment and capacity).
c. Identify existing networks and effective working partnerships
To recognize existing and future synergies and/or partnerships to develop the cultural opportunities in the District.
2. Project Scope
The proposed project would entail undertaking an Arts, Culture and Heritage Scan for the District of Tofino that would include the following:
• Develop a comprehensive inventory of local arts, cultural and historical organizations and cultural industries, specifically identifying services provided, arts and cultural communities serviced, size and scope of the individual artist community, and the location whereby artists practice and produce their art.
• Prepare a detailed assessment of current cultural facility assets and their usage/capacity; and
• Gather data from a range of community arts, heritage and cultural organizations including current and future needs regarding arts services, working relationships and networks, capacity building opportunities within the cultural and business communities and specific recommendations to better develop the cultural economy in the District.
3. District Support
The District will provide copies of all relevant documents, including the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Official Community Plan and the Downtown Vitalization Plan, any meeting space required, copies of surveys to be distributed, and notices (both hard copy, media and web based).
4. Budget
A budget of $4,000 including all fees and disbursements has been assigned to this project.
5. Project Schedule
Key dates are:
• • •
January 20, 2012, 4pm – proposal submission deadline April 13, 2012 - Delivery of final draft report April 24, 2012 – Delivery of final report to Council
6. Proposal Submissions
All proponents are required to provide the following information (in order) with their submissions:
• Profile of the applicant including experience and qualifications specifically where tasks identified in the RFP have been completed within the arts and culture community;
• Detailed proposal of what will be delivered, including the expected outcome and benefits to the District of Tofino
• Detailed project timeline including milestones, project meetings, interim reports and progress reports;
• Detailed project methodology explaining each project task including what will be expected of the consultant, the District and its partners with respect to each task;
• Specific recognition of unique approaches or experiences of the consultant that would be directly applicable and beneficial to this project;
• Community and stakeholder consultation plan; and • A minimum of two references
7. Submission Details
Electronic proposals can be submitted to Sally Mole, Director of Parks and Recreation (, no later than 4pm, January 20, 2012.
The District reserves the right to cancel this Request for Proposals for any reason without any liability to any proponent or to waive irregularities at their own discretion. Proposals may be withdrawn by written notice provided such notice is received at the District of Tofino prior to the date/time set as the closing time for receiving proposals.
All proposals will remain confidential, subject to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act. Any interpretation of, additions to, deletions from, or any other corrections to the Proposal document will be issued as written addenda by the District of Tofino. It is the sole responsibility of the potential proponents to check with the District of Tofino’s website, to ensure that all available information has been received prior to submitting a proposal.
8. Enquiries
Clarification of terms and conditions of the proposal and purchasing process shall be directed to: Sally Mole, Director of Parks and Recreation
250 725 3229 ext 37
The District, its agents and employees shall not be responsible for any information given by way of verbal communication. Any questions received by the District of Tofino staff that affect the Proposal Process will be issued as addenda by the District of Tofino.
9. Working Agreement
The successful proponent will enter into a working agreement with the District based upon the information contained in the request for proposal and the successful proponent’s submission and any modifications thereto.
10. Evaluation Criteria
Proposals shall be evaluated to determine the best value offered to the District against conformance, but not limited, to the following criteria:
• • • • • • •
Experience and qualifications of applicants Understanding of the project objectives/outcomes and vision Project deliverables Creativity in preparing the deliverables Long term value to the District and impacts on surrounding area Value for money References
The District has the right to reject any or all proposals received.

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