
Monday, January 9, 2012

Boil Water Order Still in Effect

From The District of Tofino website : As of Jan 9, 2012, 11:30am - There has been no change to the Boil Water Order.

The District of Tofino’s water supply is a surface water system and thus directly affected by significant precipitation such as Tofino experienced on January 3rd. Heavy rainfall can cause an increase in the turbidity of the water turning the water murky.
On January 9th, at 12:30 pm District staff inspected the water sources on Meares Island (Close Creek, Number 1 Creek and Sharp Creek) that supply water for the Bay Street pump house; which in turn supports the high pressure water system (north of Industrial Way). Both Close and Sharp Creeks had NTU’s above 5 (a measure of turbidity) which is above the limits set by VIHA for acceptable turbidity levels in a potable water system. Close Creek showed signs of heavy water flow, scouring and siltation. The Sharp reservoir itself appeared relatively clear but the creek feeding the reservoir was heavily silted. Weather permitting; District staff will be conducting a visual inspection of the watercourses above the reservoir in the next couple of days for evidence of a landslide, or other obstruction.
The test results of the water samples sent to VIHA on January 4th, 5th and 6th show no sign of fecal coliform or e coli bacteria.
The District is currently flushing the low pressure side of the District (south of Industrial Way) with clean treated water from the Ahkmahksis water treatment plant. The flushing is providing positive results in lowering the NTU (turbidity) to levels acceptable to VIHA. District staff has separated the low and high pressure water systems to isolate the low pressure system in order to prevent the turbidity from the high pressure system from entering the low pressure system.
The boil water order will be in effect until further notice. Information will be available on the District website at For further information please contact the District office at 250-725-3229 or Public Works at 250-725-4212
Press release issued 4:30pm, Monday, January 09, 2012 -30- MEDIA CONTACT The District of Tofino

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