
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Light the Mup

Sorry, I got this a bit late to post

Hi everyone,
Recent tragic events have started discussion both on the internet and on the street, about the state of the MUP - especially the MUP at night. I personally have not used the MUP much, but talking to others it sounds pretty sketchy at night, even if you do have a light.

How safe is it to walk / skate / cycle the MUP at night? With or without a personal light? Should the MUP be lit? What other alternatives are there to make the MUP easier to navigate at night? What about traffic barriers? How can we work with the town and others on this issue?

I would like to invite you all to the first meeting & discussion to "Light the MUP" on Wed, Sept 28 at 7:00PM. It's at the Sugar Shack not at the Legion as posted elsewhere.
The Sugar Shack itself will be closed at 6:30, but coffee will still be available. Bring a cup and a note taking device. We will form a group of interested and committed individuals to take on this task, figure it out, and work together to get it done.
I would especially like to hear from year round MUP users and property owners who have driveways along the MUP. If you can't make the meeting, feel free to comment on Ralph's blog. I know you will!


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