
Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15,2011 Federal Gas Tax Grants

An anonymous post suggested that people should do research on Federal Grants. I'll make it easy for them by publishing the Gas Tax Fund Project Categories.While this makes it very clear that the grant can be used for recycling,wastewater or water upgrades,council decided to use the grant to buy an electric truck. When council had the opportunity to use "Towns for Tomorrow" grant money for our water system they decided instead to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to beautify the North Chestermans Beach parking lot. While everyone will agree that a washroom was needed there did we need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars ??

SCHEDULE A- Eligible Project Categories and Sub-Categories by Community Tier
Project Categories Sub-Categories Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Public Transit Develop or improve public transit system (rapid transit, buses, bus ways, sea-buses, commuter rail, ferries, street cars, cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, etc.) x x x
Road system improvements that encourage a reduction in car dependency (express bus lanes, HOV lanes, park and ride, bike paths, queue, etc.) x x
Implement innovative technologies that support environmental sustainability x x x
Rehabilitation of roads and bridges that enhance sustainability outcomes x x
Paths and trails x x
Community Energy Systems Improving energy systems through the use of water systems to generate hydro x x
Community energy systems (wind, solar, thermal, geothermal, etc.) x x
Alternative energy systems x x
Alternative energy systems that serve local government infrastructure x x
Retrofit local government buildings and infrastructure (e.g. water pumps, street lights, etc.) x x
Reduce the GHG impact of solid waste (e.g. biogas recovery and conversion of biomass to bio-oil) x x
Fleet vehicle conversion x
Implement innovative technologies that support environmental sustainability x x
Water and Wastewater Developing or upgrading drinking water systems to improve water quality and reduce water use, increase energy efficiency, and secure water supply in the face of drought x x x
Developing or upgrading wastewater and storm water systems to improve water quality and improve aquatic habitat x x x
Implement innovative technologies that support environmental sustainability x x x
Investments in the enhancement and/or protection of community green space such as streams and natural corridors including habitat protection systems to improve water quality and improve aquatic habitat x x
Solid Waste Management Develop or improve solid waste collection, treatment and disposal strategies in ways that reduce resource use, or encourage recycling and re-use x x
Support full cost recovery from users through improved application of user charges x x
Reduce the environmental impact of solid waste (e.g. composting, bio gas recovery) x x
Implement innovative technologies that support environmental sustainability x x
Capacity Building Increase local government capacity to undertake integrated sustainability planning including:
Regional growth strategies x x
Community development plans x x
Community plans x x
Community Energy Planning x x
Transportation plans x x
Infrastructure development plans x x
Liquid waste management plans x x
Solid waste management plans x x
Long-term cross-modal transportation plans x x
Water conservation/demand management plans x x
Drought management contingency plans x x
Air quality plans x x
Greenhouse gas reduction plans x x
Energy conservation plans x x
Implementing/planning innovative environmental technologies that support sustainability x x

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