
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

North Chestermans meeting

Good evening, a good turnout for tonight's meeting....Mayor and two councillors and staff....all together a productive meeting.....some misunderstandings about the terms of the " Towns for Tomorrow" grants......please take the time to look at the plan and give the District your input.....I have suggested that the grant might be better put towards infrastructure but if it can't be changed from this project you might as well have your say.....
Many at the meeting expressed concern with people parking along Lynn Rd. and the lack of a pedestrian path......It was suggested that Lynn Rd. be made a one way road....allowing for more parking and a pedestrian path....from a historical perspective.... thirty-five years ago not many imagined that Chesterman's Beach would be as popular as it is now......parking wasn't considered an issue because everyone parked right on the beach.....

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