For all the hype about how Tofino is cracking down on Vacation Rentals ......a quick search shows it is business as usual. Lots of listings at South Chestermans and Shore.
Here's a link that more accurately shows the South Chesterman Condos on VRBO. Looks like 8 still renting.®ion=1&searchTermContext=a0e80942-00c5-4386-8b0d-0ee16f2efef7&sleeps=2-plus
nobody cares
Disapointing news. Though there was a sense of this around town.
If they don't enforce then the town is a goner for regular residents wanting to live a normal life in town.
$500 per day fine would fix that. Transfer unpaid fines to property taxes. Done
TVR was getting $500/day fine for a couple weeks, but then they "cancelled" contracts with all illegal rentals and got their licence back. Only 15 rentals on their website now. The other 24 have simply vanished...
From Flynn's BS to council BS.... The worst is Botanical Gardens!
It's summer now. Can't do anything about it right now. Council will get real tough come winter.........Winter 2050
What a JOKE . Bylaw is a joke, council is a joke and the town is becoming a joke. Nothing but take, take, take and no $ being put back into community. So disappointing.
more consultants..more consultants...more nothing gets done.
The joke is on us.
Lots of money being put into the community. Most of it turning the town in Disneyland of the North.
For years, going back 4 or 5 councils, the green, anti-development, supposedly pro people and community faction has held sway in Tofino. They have been against almost every development with near religious zeal, and all for public housing and keeping the soul of the community.
What has resulted is exactly the opposite. The "new Money" has skewed everything. There are fewer housing options than ever... The community has been commercialized by Vacation Rentals, bags of tourist money spent on trendy hip iniatives. Our downtown streets are "tricked out" to support the tourist lifestyle and tourist economy. Public notice boards inform us of all the offerings. "Tofino soul" has become a series of funded tourist promotions celebrating local gov'ts and business' idea of "Tofino soul" Spiritual corruption. The place is a parody of itself....
AND for those of us who are complying, our license fees doubled to pay for finding those NOT complying. Those obeying the rules are punished and the rule-breakers are still getting away with non-compliance. Sigh.....
What is wrong with you bloggers?
Can you not see that tourism is all this one horse town has? The various jobs the industry provides?
If you don't want to accept this obvious progress - go live in the boonies.
We should be embracing the tourists. Very few if none of you were born & raised here. You all came at some point and fall in love with the place. That is exactly what is happening now, has always been & will always be.
Not to sound bourgeoisie but perhaps it's time for you cry babies to move on.
The truth of the matter is that there is no revenue in enforcement. There is in licencing. Simply licence and with the revenues and do some good for the commuunity. Allow builders to build apartments. Quit going around the same bush over and over again.
Council is going about things so wrong in so many areas. The village looks like a shit show. No style. No design. Mish mash of stupid ideas.
What happened to that majestic tree in front of the Vicker's Gallery ?
"The village looks like a shit show" etc., and yet "if you don't want to accept this obvious progress-go live in the boonies". What kind of schizo-detachment to reality is operating here.
"There is no revenue in enforcement. There is in licensing". How do you license those who choose to operate outside of the rules? Duh.... you need enforcement!!!!
"Allow builders to build"......agree 100% let's no go around that bush again, unless your whole post is sarcasm, in which case it is brilliant. Go around as many times as you like......
The reason builders don't build apartments is because there is no money in it. the district has been trying to get builders to build apartments for free for a while now but nobody is stupid enough to do that... aside from the fact that you would need to fill out a 36 page form to apply to do something for free.
yes the town is a shit in many ways from people planning streets and commercial venues without any idea what so ever how reality works. 4th and Campbell and getting worse.
sooner or later we will run out of water and nobody will know why.
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