
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Whistler,Qualicum or Bedrock City ?

While the first phase of the Campbell St upgrade looks similar to the style of Whistler or Qualicum the second phase is looking like Bedrock City from the Flintstones.Pesky trees are being replaced by low maintenance boulders.Now there is no need to go to the beach to witness the majesty of the rock walls.

Tofino, BC. Following assessments by two separate arborists, the District of Tofino has made the difficult decision to remove the Western Red Cedar tree at the corner of Campbell Street and Second Street.

The tree has been repeatedly “topped” over the course of many years in order to meet required clearances from the overhead telephone and hydro service lines. This has seriously impacted the tree’s canopy and will only continue to harm the tree.

According to consulting arborist Don Bottrell of Dogwood Tree Services (who worked previously in Tofino on the Eik Street Tree project and who donated his time to professionally assess the Campbell Street tree), the tree trunk “outwardly expresses defects associated with advanced decay” making the tree a risk in this high use area.

Root intrusion, evident by the visible cracking of the road and sidewalk surfaces, is extensive and will continue to become more so as time goes on. While the District of Tofino was willing to consider all reasonable measures to allow the tree to remain in place, these factors make this particular tree a poor candidate for the investment of time and money into keeping it.

The District will endeavor to safeguard any usable wood from the tree for future downtown amenities (such as benches).

Two Douglas Fir trees at the edge of the Village Green will also be removed. Their close proximity to the road and sidewalk excavation means that the loss of mechanical support roots will destabilize them to a level which poses a serious risk both to current work crews and to the public. New native tree species will be planted to replace them in an appropriate nearby location following the end of the project. The District of Tofino intends to follow a best practice already in place in many municipalities of replanting two trees for every tree removed.

The trees will be removed the afternoon of Tuesday, April 15th.

The District asks for the community’s understanding and patience through the continued project work and will keep the community and local businesses updated on the planned work schedule via the District’s website (, Facebook page (search “District of Tofino”), and the District’s e-mail list.

For more detailed information regarding the work planned, please visit

To be added to the District e-mail list, please e-mail

Media Contact
April Froment
Manager of Resort Municipality Initiative Services
District of Tofino
(T) 250 725 3229 ext 23

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Victoria Sewer Story

Tofino has bungled its attempt at sewage treatment for the last 20 years or so and it looks like Victoria is on the same page......

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Do Temporary Foreign Workers have better work ethic ??

I was shocked to find some of these posts while searching the internet for TFW stories. The stories from the Tofino Chamber of Commerce and local resorts are particularly disturbing.Shame on them !! I'm all for immigration but to bring people over to Canada to work for 2 years and then send them home is grossly unfair.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Temporary Foreign Worker Stories                                                                                                     

Friday, April 4, 2014

District of Tofino and the Harold Monks Property

Harold Monks bequeathed his home and property at Grice Point (also known as Na-chaks, or as Monks Point) in 2008 to The Land Conservancy with the dream that Monks Point Park would be created for future generations to enjoy. 

Unfortunately, in October 2013 The Land Conservancy filed for CCAA protection (Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act) to resolve their long-standing financial problems. Therefore, there is some question about the future of this property.

The Mayor and Council of the District of Tofino and the Tofino-Clayoquot Heritage Society seek feedback from members of the Tofino and surrounding communities regarding the future of this property. The deadline for this survey is April 13, 2014

My concern with the District of Tofino getting involved with the Monks property is that it will be neglected like the firehall . The District has shown over the past few years that it is incapable of performing the most basic of maintenance tasks.The railing around the deck at the firehall was removed several years ago and never replaced.It had some red trim paint a couple of years ago but has generally been left to decay.Let's leave the Monks property to a responsible non-profit or even a private owner that will look after it.