Tuesday, June 25, 2013

2012 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) Report for Tofino



Anonymous said...

150k paid to John Motherwell ? For what ? babysitting ? detailed invoices please.We've seen this before.

Anonymous said...

Seen what before? Motherwell's invoice is significantly less than Koer's and McHellany, and my guess is that his work had actual results with as practical an application as possible.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to understand with a small note after the name of the payee what they were paid for.
For example: Moss developments? What did they do?
And various consultants. What did they do?

Ralph Tieleman said...

I will try to get some information regarding these payments

Anonymous said...

Yeah? Moss Developments .......that's the developers of The Shore.......Why would the district be paying them almost 28,000???