Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Banner Year for Tourism !

While the District of Tofino thinks banners are fine when they put them up they are attacking retailers that do the same thing.The owner of the seafood banner is facing a large fine although the Public Market banner is right across the street.....go figure......


Anonymous said...

It's just a sign !

Anonymous said...

what about when the mayor put up a long beach lodge sign on the beach? it's just a sign!? Is the beach sacred while the streets not so much? Technically the city did not put up the sign but the tofino public market society. A non profit, but it's all just semantics at this point. NO to complaints driven enforcement. Simply make laws that make sense with as little grey area as possible, and enforce if that law was passed.

Ralph Tieleman said...

I miss the hot dog stand.Tofino should be encouraging business .

Anonymous said...

It is different when our highest ranking elected official puts up a beach front sign at a multi million dollar hotel .Our bylaws and OCP do hold the beach more sacred than Main St.

Anonymous said...

There are many illegal signs but DOT likes to pick on those most unlikely to be able to defend themselves.

Anonymous said...

There are too many people catering to self-interest and holding back Tofino. Let the market have banners, let the seafood store have a banner. let tofino coffee have a banner... but all on there own property!

Anonymous said...

As Richard Nixon once said, "When the President does it, it's not illegal." Surely the District has more important things to fuss over -- like spring-breaking potholes on Main Street and patches on Main Street and the highway that are rougher than the potholes they supposedly "fixed." If the District is going to fuss over perfectly tasteful signs, why not fuss over their own at the reservoir out on the highway -- it's disgusting.